UPSC Sociology Syllabus 2024
Sociology Optional is one of the popular optional subjects among UPSC aspirants owing to its short & easy understanding of the well-structured Sociology syllabus. Most of the UPSC Sociology syllabus topics are fairly easy to understand. Some of the topics of Sociology subject overlap with General Studies Paper 1 in UPSC Mains (Indian Society part) and it is also helpful for General Studies 2, General Studies 3 and Essay Paper. In short, if your subject is not listed in the UPSC Optional Subject List, then choosing Sociology as the optional subject would be a wiser choice to go with.
Sociology Syllabus for UPSC Mains Exam
UPSC Sociology Optional Exam has been divided into two segments- Paper 1 focuses on the fundamentals of Sociology and Paper 2 focuses on Indian Society: Structure & Changes. Each paper consists of 250 marks i.e. in total Sociology subject would be of 500 marks. This article would be beneficial for the UPSC Aspirants who have been thinking of Sociology as their UPSC Optional Subject for UPSC CSE (Civil Service Examination), as we have discussed the complete UPSC syllabus for optional Sociology Paper 1 & Paper 2 here.
Sociology Syllabus for Optional Paper 1
As UPSC Sociology Syllabus for optional Paper 1 is all about the fundamentals of Sociology. The greatest portion of Sociology optional Paper-I is devoted to the important social institutions. The units to be covered for UPSC Sociology Optional Syllabus for Paper 1 are as follows-
1. Sociology - The Discipline
2. Sociology as Science
3. Research Methods and Analysis
4. Sociological Thinkers
5. Stratification and Mobility
6. Works and Economic Life
7. Politics and Society
8. Religion and Society
9. Systems of Kinship
10. Social Change in Modern Society

Sociology Syllabus- Paper 2
Paper-II has a total of 15 units divided into 3 broad sections-
1. Introducing Indian Society- This is the smallest section of Sociology Syllabus Paper 2 and the students have to learn about the basic Indian sociology. It includes the important portion of thinkers and analyses the impact of British rule on our society.
2. Social Structure- This part of the Sociology Optional Paper 2 syllabus includes 6 units namely the caste system, agrarian social structure, tribal groups, various classes, kinship & family system, and religion.
3. Social Changes in India- In this section, there are 7 units which are explained in detail below.
(i) Visions of Social Change in India
(ii) Rural and Agrarian Transformation in India
(iii) Industrialization and Urbanisation in India
(iv) Politics and Society
(v) Social Movements in Modern India
(vi) Population Dynamics
(vii) Challenges of Social Transformation

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