The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) has released the notification for Assistant Engineer posts along with its syllabus and exam pattern on its official website. Candidates who are interested in the Assistant Engineer posts must begin their preparation with the UPPSC AE Syllabus and Exam Pattern. A proper understanding of the syllabus and exam pattern will help the candidates plan an effective strategy for their preparation. Bookmark this page when you begin your preparation for the upcoming UPPSC AE examination 2025 so that you don't miss out on any topic.
UPPSC AE Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2025
The UPPSC AE Exam will take place in three stages, namely preliminary, mains, and interviews. Candidates who clear the preliminary exam will be eligible to appear in the main exam, followed by an interview. In this article, we have covered detailed exam patterns and syllabus for both prelims and mains. For a quick overview of the UPPSC AE Syllabus 2025 and Exam Pattern, please refer to the table mentioned below.
UPPSC AE Syllabus 2025 | |
Organization Name | Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) |
Post Name | Assistant Engineer |
Vacancies | 604 |
Category | Syllabus |
Mode of Exam | offline |
UPPSC AE Exam Date 2025 | Prelims - 20th April 2025 Mains - 28th September 2025 |
Total questions | Prelims Exam: 200 Mains Exam: 250 (Paper I: 125 & Paper II: 125) |
Total Marks | Prelims Exam: 300 Mains Exam: 750 (Paper I: 375 & Paper II: 375) |
Time Duration | Prelims Exam: 2 hours Mains Exam: 2 ½ hours (for each paper) |
Negative Marking | 1/3 for every incorrect answer |
Selection Process | Written Exam and Interview |
Official website | |
UPPSC AE Exam Pattern 2025
To excel in the UPPSC AE Exam 2025, candidates must be familiar with the exam pattern to know the topics to be included in the exam, the total number of equations, the marking scheme, etc. Check the UPPSC AE Recruitment 2024 Exam Pattern 2025 for the preliminary written exam and mains exam, which are shared here.
UPPSC AE Prelims Exam Pattern 2025
- There will be 200 multiple-choice questions in the UPPSC AE Examination 2025
- For every correct answer, two marks will be awarded to candidates and 1/3 mark will be deducted for every wrong answer
- The time duration for the preliminary exam will be 120 minutes
UPPSC AE Prelims Exam Pattern 2025 | ||||
Stage | Subjects | No. Of Questions | Total Marks | Time Duration |
Prelims | General Knowledge | 25 | 50 | 2 Hours |
General Hindi | 25 | 50 | ||
Engineering Aptitude | 100 | 200 | ||
Total | 200 | 300 | 2 Hours |
UPPSC AE Final Written Test Exam Pattern 2025
UPPSC Assistant Engineer includes questions from General Hindi in Paper 1 and General Studies in Paper 2. A comprehensive UPSSC AE Mains Exam Pattern 2025 is shared here.
UPPSC Assistant Engineer Paper I Exam Pattern 2025
The Paper I will include a total of 125 questions from general Hindi and concerned engineering subjects.
- Total Number of Questions: 125
- Total Marks: 375
- +3 marks will be awarded for every correct answer, and 1 mark will be deducted for every incorrect answer.
- Time duration: 2 hours and 30 minutes
UPPSC AE Mains Paper I Exam Pattern | |||
Subjects | No. of Questions | Total Marks | Time Duration |
General Hindi | 25 | 75 | 150 minutes |
Relevant Engineering Subjects I | 100 | 300 | |
Total | 125 | 375 | 150 minutes |
UPPSC AE Paper II Exam Pattern 2025
Paper II will consist of 125 questions from General Studies and concerned engineering subjects.
- Total Number of Questions: 125
- Total Marks: 375
- +3 marks will be awarded for every correct answer, and 1 mark will be deducted for every incorrect answer.
- Time duration: 2 hours and 30 minutes
UPPSC AE Mains Paper II Exam Pattern | |||
Subjects | No. of Questions | Total Marks | Time Duration |
General Studies | 25 | 75 | 150 minutes |
Relevant Engineering Subjects II | 100 | 300 | |
Total | 125 | 375 | 150 minutes |
UPPSC AE Syllabus 2025
Before starting to prepare for the UPPSC AE Examination, candidates should go through the detailed syllabus to understand every topic and strategize their preparations in a well-defined manner. The The syllabus consists of technical and non-technical subjects. Candidates who qualify the preliminary written test will be called for the further selection process, which is the main written test and interview.
UPPSC AE Prelims Syllabus 2025
UPPSC AE Prelims consists of questions from General Knowledge, General Hindi, and Engineering Aptitude.
UPPSC AE Prelims Syllabus 2025 | |
General Knowledge | Current Affairs Indian History Indian Geography Indian Polity General Science/Science in Everyday Life Important Events |
General Hindi | हिंदी भाषा का मूलभूत ज्ञान (स्वर, व्यंजन, रस) प्रत्यय समास मुहावरे और लोकोक्तियाँ अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द उचित शब्द से दिए गए रिक्त स्थान की पूर्ती पर्यायवाची शब्द, विलोम शब्द, शब्द युग्म, लिंग परिवर्तन, वचन परिवर्तन आदी वर्ण, वर्तनी और उच्चारण वाक्य-क्रम व्यवस्थापन उपसर्ग और प्रत्यय विपरीतार्थक शब्द संधि तथा संधि-विच्छेद अनेकार्थक शब्द |
Engineering Aptitude | General principles of design and drawing Engineering materials Basics of thermodynamics Water resources and conservation processes Basics of project management Industrial safety and safety standards Information and communication technologies (ICT) Basics of artificial intelligence and robotics Types of machinery maintenance Green Energy Basics of measurement & instrumentation Energy conversion principles Disaster management Ethics and values in engineering profession Quality control Intellectual property rights Human health and sanitation Handling & storage of products Climate change Production & construction Recent development in applied sciences Role of Science & Technology in daily life |
UPPSC AE Mains Syllabus
The UPPSC AE Mains Syllabus for Paper 1 includes subjects like general Hindi and the Engineering subject. The subject-wise syllabus is given below.
UPPSC AE Mains Syllabus for Hindi
- हिंदी भाषा का मूलभूत ज्ञान (स्वर, व्यंजन, रस)
- प्रत्यय
- समास
- मुहावरे और लोकोक्तियाँ
- अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द
- उचित शब्द से दिए गए रिक्त स्थान की पूर्ती
- पर्यायवाची शब्द, विलोम शब्द, शब्द युग्म, लिंग परिवर्तन, वचन परिवर्तन आदी
- वर्ण, वर्तनी और उच्चारण
- वाक्य-क्रम व्यवस्थापन
- उपसर्ग और प्रत्यय
- विपरीतार्थक शब्द
- संधि तथा संधि-विच्छेद
- अनेकार्थक शब्द
UPPSC AE Mains Syllabus for Civil Engineering
Part A: Engineering Mechanics: Units and Dimensions, SI units, vectors, concept of force, Concept of particle and rigid body Concurrent, non-concurrent, and parallel forces in a plane, moment of force and varignon's theorem, free body diagram, conditions of equilibrium Principle of virtual work, equivalent force system. First and second moments of area, Mass moment of inertia, Static Friction, inclined plane and bearings, kinematics and kinetics, kinematics in Cartesian and Polar Coordinates, motion under uniform and non-uniform acceleration, motion under gravity, Kinetics of particle: Momentum and Energy principles, D'Alembert's principle, Collision of elastic bodies, rotation of rigid bodies, simple harmonic motion
Strength of Materials: Simple Stress and Strain, Elastic constants, axially loaded compression members, Shear force and bending moment, theory of simple bending, bending stress, Shear Stress, Beams of uniform strength, Leaf springs, close-coiled helical springs, Strain Energy in direct stress, bending & shear. Deflection of beams; Macaulay's method, Mohr's Moment area method, Conjugate beam method, unit load method, Torsion of shafts, Transmission of power, Elastic stability of columns, Euler's Rankin's and Secant formulae. Principal stresses and strains in two dimensions, Mohr's Circle, Theories of Elastic Failure, Thin and Thick cylinder, Stresses due to internal and external pressureLame's equations
Structural Analysis: Castiglianios theorems I and II, Unit load method of consistent deformation applied to beams and pin-jointed trusses. Slope-deflection, moment distribution, Kani's method of analysis and column Analogy method applied to indeterminate beams and rigid frames. Rolling loads and influence lines: Influence lines for reactions of beam, shear force and bending moment at a section of beam. Criteria for maximum shear force and bending moment in beams traversed by a system of moving loads, influence lines for simply supported plane pin jointed trusses, Arches: Three hinged, two hinged and fixed arches, rib shortening and temperature effects, influence lines in arches; Matrix methods of analysis: Force method and displacement method of analysis of indeterminate beams and rigid frames. Plastic Analysis of beams and frames: Theory of plastic bending, plastic analysis, statical method, Mechanism method. Unsymmetrical bending: Moment of inertia, product of inertia, position of neutral axis and principal axis, calculation of bending stresses
Structural Steel Design: Factors of safety and load factors, rivetted, bolted and welded joints and its connections, Design by working, stress/limit state method of tension and compression member, beams of built up section, riveted and welded plate girders, gantry girders, stanchions with battens and lacings, slab and gusseted column bases, Design of highway and railway bridges: Through and deck type plate girder, Warren girder, Pratt truss
Part B: Design of Concrete and Masonry Structures: Working Stress and Limit State Method of design as Recommendations of B.I.S. codes, design of one way and two way slabs, stairs-case slabs, simple and continuous beams of rectangular, T and L sections, compression members under direct load with or without eccentricity, isolated and combined footings, Cantilever and counterfort type retaining walls, Water tanks: Design requirements as per B.I.S. code for rectangular and circular tanks resting on ground, Prestressed concrete: Methods and systems of prestressing, anchorages, analysis and design of sections for flexure based on working stress, losses of prestress, Earthquake resistant design of building as per BIS code. Design of brick masonry as per I. S. Codes, Design of masonry retaining wall
Building Materials: Physical properties of construction materials concerning their use: stones, bricks, tiles, lime, glass, cement, mortars, Concrete, the concept of mix design, pozzolans, plasticisers, super plasticisers, Special concrete: roller compacted concrete, mass concrete, self-compacting concrete, Ferro cement, fibre reinforced concrete, high strength concrete, high-performance concrete, Timber: properties, defects and common preservation treatments, Use and selection of materials for various uses, e.g. Low-cost housing, mass housing, high rise buildings
Part C: Constructions Technology, Planning and Management: Masonry constructions using brick, stone, construction detailing and strength characteristics paints, varnishes, plastics, waterproofing and damp proofing materials. Detailing of walls, floors, roofs, staircases, doors and windows. Plastering, pointing, flooring, roofing and construction features. Retrofitting buildings, Principle of planning for residents and specific uses, National Building code provisions and uses. Basic principles of detailed and approximate estimating, specifications, rate analysis, and real property valuation principles. Machinery for earthwork, concreting and their specific uses, factors affecting selection of construction equipment, operating cost of equipment. Construction activity, schedules, organisations, quality assurance principles. The basic principle of network CPM and PERT uses in construction monitoring, cost optimisation and resource allocation. Basic principles of economic analysis and methods. Project profitability: Basis principles of financial planning, simple toll fixation criterions
Part D: Geo Technical Engineering & Foundation Engineering: Types of soils, phase relationships, consistency limits particles size distribution, classifications of soils, structure and clay mineralogy. Capillary water, effective stress and pore water pressure, Darcy's Law, factors affecting permeability, determination of permeability, and the permeability of stratified soil deposits. Seepage pressure, quick sand condition, compressibility and consolidation, Terzaghi's theory of one-dimensional consolidation, and consolidation test. Compaction of soil, field control of compaction total stress and effective stress parameters, pore pressure parameters, shear strength of soils, Mohr Coulomb failure theory, shear tests. Earth pressure at rest, active and passive pressures, Rankin's theory, Coulomb's wedge theory, Graphical method of earth pressure on retaining wall, sheet pile walls, braced excavation, bearing capacity, Terzaghi and other important theories, net and gross bearing pressure. Immediate and consolidation settlement, stability of the slope, total stress and effective stress methods, conventional methods of slices, stability number. Subsurface exploration, methods of boring, sampling, penetration tests, pressure meter tests, essential features of foundation, types of foundation, design criteria, choice of type of foundation, stress distribution in soils, Boussinessq's theory, Westergaard method, Newmarks chart, pressure bulb, contact, pressure, applicability of different bearing capacity theories, evaluation of bearing capacity from filed tests, allowable bearing capacity, settlement analysis, allowable settlement, proportioning of footing, isolated and combined footings, rafts, pile foundation, types of piles, plies capacity, static and dynamic analysis, design of pile groups, pile load test, settlement of piles lateral loads, foundation for bridges, Ground improvement techniques: sand drains, stone columns, grouting, soil stabilization geotextiles and geomembrane, Machine foundation: Natural frequency, design of machine foundations based on the recommendation of B.I.S. codes
UPPSC AE Mains Syllabus for Mechanical Engineering
Engineering Mechanics: Analysis of force systems, friction, centroid and centre of gravity, trusses and beams, the principle of virtual work, kinematics and kinetics of particle, kinematics and kinetics of rigid bodies
Mechanism and Machines: Velocity and acceleration of links, cams and followers gears and gear train clutches, belt drives, brakes and dynamometers, Flywheel and governors, balancing of rotating and reciprocating masses, balancing of multi-cylinder engines, Free and forced vibration, damped vibration, whirling of shafts
Mechanics of Solids: Stresses and strains, compound stresses strains, Torsion of circular shafts, stresses and deflections in beams unsymmetrical bending, curved beams, Thin and thick cylinders and spheres, Buckling of columns, Energy methods, helical and leaf springs
Design of Machine Elements: Design for Static and dynamic loading, Theories of failure, fatigue principles of design of rivetted, welded and bolted joints, shafts, springs, bearings, brakes, clutches and flywheels
Engineering Materials: Crystal systems and crystallography, crystal imperfections, Alloys and phase diagrams, Heat treatment, ferrous and non-ferrous metals and alloys, Mechanical properties and testing
Manufacturing: Metal casting, metal forming, metal joining, Mechanics of metal cutting, machining and machine tool operations, unconventional machining methods limits, fits and tolerances, inspection: Surface roughness, comparators, computer integrated manufacturing, Flexible manufacturing systems, jigs and fixtures
Industrial Engineering: Production, planning and control, inventory control and operation, research, CPM and PERT
Mechatronics and Robotics: Microprocessors and microcontrollers, Architecture, Programming, Computer interfacing Programmable logic controller, sensors and actuators, Piezoelectric accelerometers, Hall effect sensors, optical encoder, resolver, Inductosyn, Pneumatic and Hydraulic Actuators, stepper motor, control system, mathematical modelling, control signals, controllability and observability, Robotics: Robot classification, robot specification. Notation: Direct and inverse kinematics homogeneous coordinates and arm equation of four-axis SCARA Robot
UPPSC AE Mains Syllabus for Electrical Engineering
Networks and Systems: Steady-state and Transient-state Analysis of systems, Thevenin's-, Norton's-, Superposition- and Maximum Power Transfer-theorems, Driving point Transfer functions, Two-port networks, Laplace and Fourier transforms and their applications in Network analysis, Z-transforms for discrete systems, R-L, R-C & L-C network synthesis
E.M. Theory: Analysis of electrostatic and magnetostatic fields, Laplace, Poission and Maxwell equations, solution of boundary value problems, electromagnetic wave propagation, ground and space waves, Propagation between Earth Station and Satellites
Control systems: Mathematical modelling of dynamic linear continuous systems, Block diagrams and Signal flow graphs, time-response specifications, steady-state error, Routh-Hurwitz criterion, Nyquist techniques, Root Loci, Bode Plots, Polar Plot, and stability analysis, Lag-, Lead-, Lag-Lead-compensation, state-space modelling, state transition matrix, controllability and observability
Elements of Electronics: Basics of semiconductor diodes, BJT, FET and their characteristics, different types of transistors and FET amplifiers equivalent circuits and frequency response, feedback oscillators, Colpitts oscillator and Hartley Oscillator, Operational amplifiers-characteristics and applications
Power System Analysis and Design: Line parameters and calculations, Performance of Transmission lines, Mechanical design of overhead lines and Insulators, Corona and radio interference Parameters of single- and three-core Cables, Bus admittance matrix, Load flow equations and methods of solutions, Fast-decoupled load flow, Balance- and Unbalanced-faults analysis, Power system stability, Power system transients and travailing Waves, EHV Transmission, HVDC transmission, Concepts of FACTS, Voltage Control and Economic operation, Concepts of distributed generation, solar and wind power, smart grid concepts
Elements of Electrical Machines: General concepts of E.m.f., m.m.f., and torque in rotating machines, DC Machines: motor and generator characteristics, equivalent circuits, commutation and amature reaction, starting and speed controls of motors; Synchronous Machines: performance, regulation, Parallel operation of generators, motor starting, characteristics and applications, Transformers: phasor-diagram and equivalent circuit, efficiency, and voltage regulation, auto-transformers, 3-phase transformers
Measurement: Basic methods of measurement, Precision and standards, error analysis, Bridges and Potentiometers; moving coil, Moving iron, dynamometer and induction type instruments; measurement of voltage, current, power, energy, and power factor; instrument transformers, digital voltmeters and multimeters, phase-, time- and frequency measurement, Q-meters Oscilloscopes, Basics of sensors, and data acquisition system, Instrumentation systems for pressure and temperature measurements
UPPSC AE Mains Syllabus for Agriculture Engineering
Thermodynamics and Heat Engines: Concept of energy, temperature and heat equations; laws of thermodynamics, pure substances and their properties; entropy, Rankine, air standard Otto, Diesel and Joule cycles; indicator diagrams
Farm Power: Sources and status of power in India: farm power and agricultural productivity relationship; construction and operational features of IC engines, various system of IC engine namely carburetion, ignition, cooling, lubrication; valves and valve timing, special features of diesel engines, tractors and their classification, power transimission, repair and maintenance; tractor testing, and tractor economics; power tillers – their economics and suitability, Energy in Agriculture
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