Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board is responsible for conducting the UP Police SI Exam to recuit eligible candidates for 921 sub-inspector posts in the Confidential, Clerk, and Accounts cadre. All candidates who will appear in the written test have to be aware of the UP SI syllabus and exam pattern and need to study hard to crack the exam. In case you have finished with your preparation, then compare it with the UP SI Syllabus 2024 provided in the article so you do not miss out on any subject or topic. 

UP Police SI Syllabus 2024 and Exam Pattern

The complete UP Police SI Syllabus and Exam Pattern for the written test have been discussed in the article for your reference. To qualify for the written test, the candidate has to score minimum marks which is possible when the preparation is done as per the latest UP SI Syllabus 2024. The complete details about UP Police SI Syllabus have been detailed in the below tabular data. 

UP SI Syllabus Key Points
Recruitment BodyUttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board
Exam NameUP Police SI Exam 2024
Exam LevelState Government 
Mode of ExamOnline
Exam DateTo be notified
Duration2.5 hours
No. of Questions200
Negative MarkingNo Negative Marking
Qualifying MarksMinimum 35 % Marks in each subject & Overall 40% Marks
Selection Process
  1. Online Written Examination
  2. Documentation & Physical Standard Test (PST)
  3. Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
Official Websiteuppbpb.gov.in

UP SI Selection Process 2024

Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board conducts a written test followed by a Physical Efficiency and Physical Standard Test to select eligible candidates for the post of Sub Inspectors through UP Police SI Vacancy 2024. 

  1. Online Written Examination
  2. Documentation & Physical Standard Test (PST)
  3. Physical Efficiency Test (PET)

UP SI Exam Pattern 2024

1. The exam will be divided into 4 sections in UP SI Exam 2024 namely General Hindi/ Computer Knowledge, General Knowledge/Current Affairs, Numerical & Mental Ability Test, Mental Aptitude Test/Intelligence Quotient Test/Reasoning. 

2. Each correct question carries 2 marks. 

3. There is no negative marking for the UP SI written test. 

4. The exam will be of 2.5 hours. 

UP Police SI Exam Pattern 2024
Subject NameNo. QuestionsMarksComposite Time
General Hindi/ Computer Knowledge501002.5 hours
General Knowledge/Current Affairs50100
Numerical & Mental Ability Test50100
Mental Aptitude Test/Intelligence Quotient Test/Reasoning50100

Note: Candidates who fail to obtain 35 % marks in each subject and 40 % marks in total in the written examination will not be eligible for the next round. Through a computer-based written examination system, the written examination will be conducted on the same date in a single shift or in more than one shift or on more than one date in different shifts with different question papers.

UP SI Syllabus 2024- Section-wise

The subject-wise detailed UP SI Syllabus has been discussed in the below part of the article, which will be of great help for the candidates to prepare accordingly for the UP Police SI Examination. Bookmark this page and cover the topics one by one for the upcoming UP SI Exam. 

General Hindi Syllabus

The topics that have been decided for General Hindi subject in UP Police SI written exam are as follows: 

  1. हिंदी और अन्य भारतीय भाषाएँ
  2. हिन्दी वर्णमाला
  3. हिंदी व्याकरण
  4. पर्यायवाची
  5. विलोम शब्द
  6. एकार्थी शब्द
  7. अपठित बोध
  8. तत्सम एवं तदभव
  9. उपसर्ग, प्रत्यय
  10. सन्धि, समास
  11. वाक्यांशों के लिए शब्द निर्माण
  12. लोकोक्तियाँ एवं मुहावरे
  13. त्रुटि से सम्बंधित अनेकार्थी शब्द
  14. वर्तनी
  15. वाक्य संशोधन
  16. कारक
  17. लिंग
  18. वचन
  19. रस, छन्द, अलंकार
  20. प्रसिद्ध कवि, लेखक एवं उनकी प्रसिद्ध रचनायें
  21. हिन्दी भाषा में पुरस्कार

Computer Knowledge Syllabus

  1. Basic Computer Fundamentals
  2. History and Future of Computers
  3. Algorithm, Flowchart & Number System
  4. Operating System and Basics of Windows
  5. Computer Abbrevation
  6. Microsoft Office
  7. Basic knowledge of Internet Use
  8. Shortcut Keys
  9. Computer Communication and Internet
  10. Programming Language
  11. Application of Net Technology
  12. Web Design
  13. Basic Software and Hardware and their functionalities
  14. Networking
  15. www and web browsers
  16. IT Tools and Business System
  17. Introduction to Multimedia
  18. Emerging Technologies- Artificial Intelligence, mobile computing, green computing, Banking & e-commerce application

General Knowledge Syllabus

To assess the candidate's GK, the questions can be asked from the following subjects. The syllabus for each subject is vast therefore candidates need to focus on this subject from the beginning of their preparation. 

  1. General Science
  2. Award and Honors
  3. Books and Authors
  4. Current Affairs of National & International Importance
  5. Indian Politics & Economics
  6. Indian History
  7. Indian Geography

Current Affairs Syllabus

  1. Award and Honours
  2. Books and Authors
  3. National & International Importance Events
  4. Sports News
  5. Railway Budget
  6. Cyber Crime
  7. Social Media Communication
  8. Digital Payment, Digital Wallet, and others

Numerical Ability Syllabus

The topics to test the candidate's quantitative aptitude are as follows-

  1. Number System
  2. Simplification
  3. HCF & LCM
  4. Use of Table & Graph
  5. Decimal & Fraction
  6. Compound and Simple Interest
  7. Partnership
  8. Profit & Loss, Discount
  9. Time & Work, Distance
  10. Ratio & Proportion
  11. Percentage
  12. Mensuration

Mental Ability Test Syllabus

The topics for the Mental Ability Test section are mentioned below-

  1. Logical Diagrams
  2. Symbol-Relationship Interpretation
  3. Codification Perception Test
  4. Word formation Test
  5. Letter and number series
  6. Word and alphabet
  7. Analogy
  8. Common Sense Test
  9. Letter and number coding
  10. Direction sense Test
  11. Logical interpretation of data
  12. The forcefulness of argument
  13. Determining implied meanings

Intelligence Quotient Test Syllabus

  1. Relationship and Analogy Test
  2. Spotting out the dissimilar
  3. Series Completion
  4. Coding-Decoding
  5. Direction Sense Test
  6. Blood Relation
  7. Problems based on the alphabet
  8. Time sequence test
  9. Venn Diagram and chart type test
  10. Mathematical ability Test
  11. Arranging in order

Mental Aptitude Test Syllabus

Prepare as per the topics for the Mental Aptitude Test listed in the UP Police SI Syllabus officially.

  1. Law and order
  2. Communal harmony
  3. Crime Control
  4. Rule of law
  5. The ability of Adaptability
  6. Professional Information (Basic level)
  7. Police System
  8. Contemporary Police Issues & Law and order
  9. Basic Law
  10. Interest in Profession
  11. Mental toughness
  12. Sensitivity towards minorities and the underprivileged
  13. Gender sensitivity

Reasoning Ability Syllabus

Practice with the questions & mock tests from the topics mentioned below to boost up your reasoning section for UP SI Exam. 

  1. Visual memory
  2. Discrimination
  3. Analogies
  4. Similarities
  5. Differences
  6. Space visualization
  7. Observation, Relationships
  8. Concepts
  9. Arithmetical reasoning
  10. Verbal and figure classification
  11. Arithmetical number series
  12. Abilities to deal with abstract ideas and symbols and their relationships
  13. Arithmetical computations and other analytical functions
  14. Problem-solving
  15. Analysis and Judgment
  16. Decision-making

UP Police Constable Syllabus 2024- Click Here

UP SI Syllabus 2024: FAQs

Ans. You can check UP Police SI Syllabus 2024 in Hindi from the article above.

Ans. UP Police SI Exam is divided into 4 sections which has been discussed in detail in the article.

Ans. There will be 200 questions in UP Police SI 2024 exam for 400 marks.