The SSC CGL exam is conducted in 2 phases/tiers and cut-off marks for each phase are released separately for Tier I and II along with the result announcement. The cut-off marks are the minimum marks that a candidate needs to score to qualify for the next stage of SSC CGL. The SSC CGL cut-off is decided based on the number of candidates who appeared in the exam, exam difficulty, and vacancies released for various posts like Assistant Audit Officer, Junior Statistical Officer, etc.
SSC CGL Cut Off 2024
The cut off marks for both tier 1 and tier 2 are released separately for SSC CGL 2024 Exam. Candidates planning to appear for SSC CGL 2025 Exam must go through the cut off marks released officially at This helps in understanding the difficulty level of the exam.
SSC CGL Tier 2 Cut Off 2024 Out
Staff Selection Commission (SSC) released the SSC CGL Tier 2 cut-off marks for all posts on 13th March 2025 along with the final SSC CGL Result 2024. The SSC CGL Tier 2 exam was conducted 18th, 19th, and 20th January 2025. The Commission has announced the SSC CGL Cut Off 2024 category-wise separately for Statistics & Junior Statistical Officer (JSO), Statistical Investigator Gr.II, Finance/ and other posts. Now, you can check the SSC CGL Tier 2 cut-off Post Wise and category-wise.
Post Code - Department | UR | EWS | OBC | SC | ST | HH | VH | OH | Others | ESM |
B03 - Assistant/ASO - CSS | 533.2468 | 349.4802 | 348.5815 | 337.2330 | 330.8955 | 295.4264 | 273.8796 | 331.8675 | 287.1774 | - |
B05 - Assistant/ASO - IB | 353.9384 | 349.4851 | 350.5067 | 337.0752 | 307.0732 | - | - | - | - | - |
B06 - Assistant/ASO - Railways | 362.0740 | 359.5187 | 359.4567 | 346.1172 | 312.9926 | 317.7746 | - | - | 311.4663 | - |
B07 - Assistant/ASO - Election Commission | 354.0591 | 354.0517 | 354.0591 | 345.1089 | - | - | 336.3938 | - | - | - |
B09 - Assistant/ASO - AFHQ | 360.9569 | 359.6959 | 358.9758 | 351.5660 | 349.4452 | - | - | - | - | - |
B11 - Assistant/ASO - External Affairs | 360.6925 | 358.9065 | 358.2172 | 351.6593 | 349.3827 | - | - | - | - | - |
B13 - Assistant/ASO - MCA | 350.8120 | 348.2588 | 353.6566 | 343.8724 | 324.9754 | 296.4954 | 319.5501 | 328.8937 | 302.8324 | - |
B18 - Inspector (Preventive Officer) - CBIC | 348.9974 | 344.4342 | 344.0487 | 343.4766 | 336.0113 | 328.8753 | - | - | - | - |
B20 - Inspector (Examiner) - CBIC | 349.8495 | 344.4342 | 344.0487 | 343.4766 | 336.0113 | 328.8753 | - | - | - | - |
C02 - Junior Statistical Officer | 438.6747 | 412.4411 | 411.6871 | 378.8725 | 372.3687 | 211.3736 | 224.0324 | 217.9174 | 322.1428 | - |
C03 - Statistical Investigator Grade-II | 438.6747 | 412.4411 | 411.6871 | 378.8725 | 372.3687 | 211.3736 | 224.0324 | 217.9174 | 322.1428 | - |
D05 - Accountant/Junior Accountant - CAG | 344.2433 | 340.8978 | 340.6102 | 324.3792 | 319.8663 | 287.0812 | 311.2863 | - | 287.9182 | - |
D09 - UDC/SSA - MSME | 340.0983 | 340.3919 | 340.8978 | 324.3792 | 319.8663 | 287.0812 | 311.2863 | - | 287.9182 | - |
D17 - Sub-Inspector (NCB) | 338.2326 | 337.3047 | 337.5042 | 326.8715 | 261.7351 | 261.1682 | - | - | 309.6970 |
SSC CGL Tier 2 Cut-Off 2025 Out- Click to Check
SSC CGL Result 2024 Out- Click to Check
SSC CGL Tier 1 Cut Off 2024
The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has released the official notice on 17th January 2025 regarding the SSC CGL Revised Cut Off 2024 for the Tier 1 exam. Along with the revised cut, the official has also declared that 609 additional candidates who have met the revised cut-off have been shortlisted to appear in Tier II. Now a total of 187118 candidates are eligible to appear for the SSC CGL Tier II exam.
List 3: SSC CGL Tier 1 Cut-Off for posts other than JSO and Statistical Investigator Gr. II
Category | Revised cut-off | Candidates Qualified | Additional Candidates Qualified |
SC | 126.42 | 31131 | 49 |
ST | 111.85 | 16019 | 25 |
OBC | 146.23 | 50191 | 115 |
EWS | 141.82 | 23746 | 275 |
UR | 152.97 | 23746 | 145 |
ESM | 69.92 | 11133 | -- |
OH | 113.10 | 2093 | -- |
HH | 64.79 | 2042 | -- |
VH | 102.97 | 1694 | -- |
Other-PwD | 45.74 | 1377 | -- |
Total | 165240 | 609 |
List 1-Candidates shortlisted in Tier 1 for appearing in Tier 2 [Paper-I and II (Statistics)] (for the post of Junior Statistical Officer)
SSC CGL Cut Off for Junior Statistical Officer (JSO) Post | ||
Category | SSC CGL JSO Cut-Off | Candidates Qualified |
SC | 143.53 | 3640 |
ST | 135.23 | 1935 |
OBC | 160.65 | 6839 |
EWS | 161.73 | 2504 |
UR | 167.02 | 2844 |
OH | 133.35 | 217 |
HH | 95.45 | 210 |
VH | 122.51 | 247 |
Total Candidates | 18436 |
List 2-Candidates shortlisted in Tier 1 for appearing in Tier 2 [Statistical Investigator Gr. II]
SSC CGL Tier 1 Cut-Off for the post of Statistical Investigator Gr. II | ||
Category | SSC CGL Statistical Investigator Gr.II Cut-Off | Candidates Qualified |
ST | 134.49 | 485 |
OBC | 161.13 | 1106 |
EWS | 163.50 | 352 |
UR | 170.65 | 276 |
HH | 60.66 | 213 |
VH | 92.05 | 181 |
Others PWD | 40.30 | 220 |
Total | 2833 |
SSC CGL 2024 Tier Cut-Off Notice (Write-Up)
SSC CGL Previous Year Cut-Off Marks
Here, we are providing the last 8 years' SSC CGL Previous Year Cut-Off from 2016 to 2023. Candidates can check the SSC CGL Previous Year Cut-Offs and analyze their chances for further selection in the ongoing SSC CGL Exam.
SSC CGL Cut Off 2023
SSC has released category-wise SSC CGL Cut Off 2023 marks for the Tier 1 Exam separately for Assistant Audit Officer (AAO), Junior Statistical Officer (JSO), Statistical Investigator- Grade II and for other posts. The officials have declared the SSC CGL Cut Off 2023 for the Tier 1 Exam along with the result. SSC has uploaded SSC CGL Tier 1 Cut Off 2023 separately for each post and we have updated the same below.
SSC CGL Tier 1 Cut Off 2023
List 1- SSC CGL Tier 1 Cut-Off for the post of Assistant Audit Officer and Assistant Accounts Officer)
SSC CGL Cut Off for Finance/Assistant Audit Officer/ Assistant Accounts Officer Posts | ||
Category | SSC CGL AAO Cut-Off | Candidates Qualified |
General | 169.67168 | 914* |
EWS | 167.18331 | 605 |
OBC | 166.28763 | 1483 |
SC | 154.29292 | 790 |
ST | 148.98918 | 382 |
OH | 147.95269 | 82 |
HH | 126.86400 | 60 |
Others-PWD | 109.82718 | 61 |
Total Candidates | 4377 |
*In addition to the UR candidates shown above, 30-SC, 2-ST, 713-OBC, 369-EWS and 2-OH candidates qualifying at UR cut-off at this stage, have been shown under their respective categories.
List-2: SSC CGL Tier 1 Cut-Off for the post of Junior Statistical Officer (JSOs)
SSC CGL Cut Off for Statistics & Junior Statistical Officer (JSO) Post | ||
Category | SSC CGL JSO Cut-Off | Candidates Qualified |
General | 168.53975 | 537 |
EWS | 166.06750 | 400 |
OBC | 165.86857 | 761 |
SC | 148.50911 | 732 |
ST | 146.65109 | 243 |
OH | 132.72381 | 90 |
HH | 80.99998 | 180 |
VH | 114.60998 | 180 |
Total Candidates | 3123 |
*In addition to the UR candidates shown above, 12-SC, 3-ST, 409-OBC and 239- EWS candidates qualifying at UR Cut-off at this stage, have been shown under their respective categories.
List-3: SSC CGL Cut-Off and Candidates qualified in Tier-I for appearing in Tier-II [Paper-I and Paper-II] for the post of Statistical Investigator Gr.II
SSC CGL Cut Off for Statistical Investigator Gr.II | ||
Category | SSC CGL Statistical Investigator Gr.II Cut-Off | Candidates Qualified |
General | 172.36025 | 52* |
OBC | 152.42184 | 1569 |
EWS | 158.76802 | 364 |
SC | -- | -- |
ST | 127.32602 | 542 |
HH | 49.14875 | 240 |
VH | 82.56201 | 211 |
Others-PWD | 40.00000 | 162 |
Total Candidates | 3140 |
*In addition to the UR candidates shown above, 37-OBC, and 32-EWS candidates qualifying at UR Cut-off at this stage, have been shown under their respective categories.
List-4: SSC CGL Tier 1 Cut-Off for posts other than AAO, JSO, Statistical Investigator Gr.II
SSC CGL Cut Off for Posts Except for Assistant Audit Officer/ Assistant Accounts Officer/ Junior Statistical Officer | ||
Category | SSC CGL Cut-Off (Other Posts) | Candidates Qualified |
General | 150.04936 | 13133* |
EWS | 143.44441 | 11108 |
OBC | 145.93743 | 21217 |
SC | 126.68201 | 14108 |
ST | 118.16655 | 6152 |
ESM | 100.29326 | 2398 |
OH | 115.98466 | 1013 |
HH | 77.72754 | 895 |
VH | 121.59662 | 499 |
Other PWD | 57.45303 | 589 |
Total Candidates | 71112 |
*In addition to the UR candidates shown above, 1566-SC, 321-ST, 14812-OBC, 6584- EWS, 18-ESM, 63-OH, 10-HH, 88-VH and 4-Others PwD candidates qualifying at UR Cutoff at this stage, have been shown under their respective categories.
SSC CGL Tier 2 Cut Off 2023
Staff Selection Commission has conducted the SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam from 25th to 28th October 2023 in multiple shifts for lakhs of SSC aspirants. Now the students who appeared or are planning for the upcoming SSC CGL Exams can check the SSC CGL Tier 2 Cut Off 2023 which has been released along with the SSC CGL Tier 2 Result 2023 on 4th December 2023. The official SSC CGL 2023 Tier 2 Cut-Off marks for each post have been updated here.
The SSC CGL Tier 2 Cut Off 2023 and candidates available for all posts except SI Gr. II for the further selection process are as follows-
SSC CGL Final Cut Off 2023 [for all posts except SI Gr. II] | |
Category | Cut Off |
General | 287 |
EWS | 265 |
OBC | 271 |
SC | 252 |
ST | 241 |
ESM | 223 |
OH | 234 |
HH | 172 |
VH | 228 |
PWD- Others | 143 |
SSC CGL Cut Off 2022
SSC CGL Cut Off marks for SSC CGL 2022 Exam were released along with tier 1 and tier 2 results. SSC CGL Cut-Off for the post of Assistant Audit Officer and Assistant Accounts Officer, Statistics, JSO, and other posts has been tabulated below as announced officially.
SSC CGL Tier 1 Cut Off 2022
List 1- SSC CGL Cut-Off for the post of Assistant Audit Officer and Assistant Accounts Officer
SSC CGL Tier-1 Cut Off 2022 (Assistant Audit Officer and Assistant Accounts Officer) | |
Category | Assistant Audit Officer and Assistant Accounts Officer |
SC | 137.54 |
ST | 131.03 |
OBC | 152.92 |
EWS | 154.80 |
UR | 158.36 |
OH | 128.59 |
HH | 96.45 |
Others-PWD | 72.79 |
List-2: SSC CGL Cut-Off and Candidates qualified in Tier-I for appearing in Tier-II [Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper-III (Statistics), and Junior Statistical Officer)
SSC CGL Tier-1 Cut Off 2022 (Statistics & JSO) | |
Category | Statistics & JSO |
SC | 150.55 |
ST | 150.32 |
OBC | 167.19 |
EWS | 169.35 |
List-3: SSC CGL Cut-Off and Candidates short-listed in Tier-I for appearing in Tier-II [Paper-I for posts other than AAO & JSO]
SSC CGL Tier-1 Cut Off 2022 (for posts other than AAO & JSO) | |
Category | for posts other than AAO & JSO |
SC | 89.08 |
ST | 77.57 |
OBC | 102.35 |
EWS | 114.27 |
ESM | 40 |
UR | 114.27 |
OH | 70.69 |
HH | 40 |
VH | 40 |
Others-PWD | 40 |
SSC CGL Tier 2/Final Cut Off 2022
The SSC CGL Final Cut Off has been announced along with the SSC CGL final result by Staff Selection Commission (SSC). The SSC Cut Off marks are released category-wise. Check SSC CGL Final Cut Off for Module-I (i.e. CKT) for Posts requiring Computer Proficiency and Module II (i.e. DEST of Section-III) for Posts requiring Computer Proficiency and Data Entry Speed Test.
SSC CGL Final Cut Off 2022 (Paper 1 of Tier 2) | ||
Category | SSC CGL Final Cut Off | Candidates Available |
SC | 213.27 | 33013 |
ST | 192.23 | 15817 |
OBC | 242.79 | 57083 |
EWS | 228.63 | 32535 |
UR | 270.36 | 27008 |
ESM | 79.35 | 11771 |
OH | 187.58 | 2428 |
HH | 79.35 | 1710 |
VH | 158.48 | 1581 |
Others-PWD | 79.35 | 521 |
Total | -- | 183467 |
SSC CGL Final Cut Off 2022 (Module I & II) | ||
Category | SSC CGL Final Cut Off (Module-I (i.e. CKT)) | SSC CGL Final Cut Off (Module-II (i.e. DEST of Section-III) |
SC | 21 | 7% |
ST | 21 | 7% |
OBC | 24 | 7% |
EWS | 24 | 7% |
UR | 27 | 5% |
ESM | 21 | 7% |
OH | 21 | 10% |
HH | 21 | 10% |
VH | 21 | 10% |
Others-PWD | 21 | 10% |
SSC CGL Cut-Off 2021
The SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam 2021-22 was held at various exam centers across the country. Lakhs of candidates who appeared in the exam are now anxiously waiting for the release of the SSC CGL Cut-Off 2022. SSC has uploaded SSC CGL Tier 1 Cut Off along with the SSC CGL Result 2022. SSC CGL Cut Off 2022 has been released separately for each post and we have updated the same here in this article.
SSC CGL Tier 1 Cut-Off 2021
List 1- SSC CGL Cut-Off and Candidates short-listed in Tier-I for appearing in Tier-II [Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper-IV {General Studies (Finance & Accounts)}] and Tier-III (for the post of Assistant Audit Officer and Assistant Accounts Officer)
SSC CGL Tier-1 Cut Off 2021-22 (Finance & Accounts, AAO) | ||
Category | Finance & Accounts, AAO | Candidates Available |
SC | 136.76 | 2062 |
ST | 131.61 | 989 |
OBC | 153.36 | 3738 |
EWS | 156.80 | 1513 |
UR | 159.07 | 2162 |
OH | 124.29 | 207 |
HH | 101.81 | 150 |
Others-PWD | 65.27 | 150 |
Total | -- | 10971 |
List-2: SSC CGL Cut-Off and Candidates qualified in Tier-I for appearing in Tier-II [Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper-III (Statistics)] and Tier-III (for the post of Junior Statistical Officer)
SSC CGL Tier-1 Cut Off 2021-22 (Statistics & JSO) | ||
Category | Statistics & JSO | Candidates Available |
SC | 139.09 | 803 |
ST | 125.58 | 784 |
OBC | 162.48 | 669 |
EWS | 162.48 | 490 |
UR | 162.48 | 790 |
Total | -- | 3536 |
List-3: SSC CGL Cut-Off and Candidates short-listed in Tier-I for appearing in Tier-II [Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper-III (Statistics)] and Tier-III (for the post of Statistical Investigator Gr. II)
SSC CGL Tier-1 Cut Off 2021-22 (Statistics & Statistical Investigator Gr. II) | ||
Category | Statistics & Statistical Investigator Gr. II | Candidates Available |
SC | 75.77 | 5694 |
ST | 62.81 | 3243 |
OBC | 95.11 | 10496 |
EWS | 104.63 | 3544 |
UR | 114.84 | 4026 |
OH | 47.42 | 582 |
HH | 40 | 199 |
VH | 40 | 179 |
Others-PWD | 40 | 69 |
Total | -- | 28032 |
List-4: SSC CGL Cut-Off and Candidates short-listed in Tier-I for appearing in Tier-II [Paper-I, Paper-II and Tier III (for all other posts)
SSC CGL Tier-1 Cut Off 2022 (All Other Posts) | ||
Category | All Other Posts | Candidates Available |
SC | 94.58 | 22355 |
ST | 81.52 | 12784 |
OBC | 117.87 | 32563 |
EWS | 109.64 | 17979 |
UR | 130.18 | 15904 |
ESM | 42.54 | 7897 |
OH | 77.22 | 1792 |
HH | 40 | 1359 |
VH | 64.77 | 841 |
Others-PWD | 40 | 374 |
Total | -- | 113848 |
SSC CGL Tier 2 Cut Off 2021
SSC CGL Tier 2 Cut-Off 2021-22 has been released along with the Result on the 15th of October 2022. SSC CGL has released Tier 2 Cut-Off on the official website All candidates can check SSC CGL 2021-22 tier-2 cut-off from the table given below.
Category | Assistant Audit Officer (AAO) | Junior Statistical Officer (Grade-II) | Statistical Investigator Grade-II | Remaining Posts |
UR | 589.31769 | 546.64385 | 416.83701 | 478.55241 |
OBC | 542.10197 | 546.64385 | 271.21660 | 440.22205 |
SC | 500.97592 | 486.49474 | 218.17126 | 384.72348 |
ST | 491.58849 | 477.40010 | 203.51718 | 345.12440 |
EWS | 532.79619 | 364.49931 | 351.99348 | 423.11311 |
OH | 460.21014 | — | 241.88030 | 341.27368 |
HH | 384.80476 | — | 181.81987 | 203.73501 |
Other PwD | 236.79194 | 181.81987 | 128.12146 |
SSC CGL Tier 3 Cut-Off 2021
List 1- SSC CGL Cut-Off and Candidates short-listed in Tier-III for appearing in Document Verification (for the post of Assistant Audit Officer and Assistant Accounts Officer)
SSC CGL Tier-3 Cut Off 2021 (AAO) | ||
Category | Cut Off Marks | Candidates Available |
SC | 532.26 | 421 |
ST | 529.11 | 196 |
OBC | 574.51 | 917 |
EWS | 570.83 | 457 |
UR | 636.78 | 477 |
OH | 516.57 | 44 |
HH | 423.80 | 29 |
Others-PWD | 272.79 | 29 |
Total | -- | 2570 |
List 2- SSC CGL Cut-Off and Candidates short-listed in Tier-III for appearing in Document Verification (for the post of Junior Statistical Officer)
SSC CGL Tier-3 Cut Off 2021 (JSO) | ||
Category | Cut Off Marks | Candidates Available |
SC | 523.69 | 140 |
ST | 511.06 | 120 |
OBC | 593.09 | 87 |
EWS | 558.71 | 58 |
UR | 594.42 | 99 |
Total | -- | 504 |
List 3- SSC CGL Cut-Off and Candidates short-listed in Tier-III for appearing in Document Verification (for the post of SI Grade 2)
SSC CGL Tier-3 Cut Off 2021 (SI Grade 2) | ||
Category | Cut Off Marks | Candidates Available |
SC | 260.40 | 713 |
ST | 241.73 | 281 |
OBC | 317.61 | 781 |
EWS | 386.20 | 283 |
UR | 453.69 | 326 |
OH | 261.34 | 36 |
HH | 213.81 | 12 |
VH | 233.53 | 15 |
Others-PWD | 330.11 | 01 |
Total | -- | 2448 |
List 4- SSC CGL Cut-Off and Candidates short-listed in Tier-III for appearing for DV & Skill Test (posts requiring CPT)
SSC CGL Tier-3 Cut Off 2021 (posts requiring CPT) | ||
Category | Cut Off Marks | Candidates Available |
SC | 496.13 | 1417 |
ST | 460.80 | 1120 |
OBC | 550.10 | 1702 |
EWS | 543.04 | 1422 |
UR | 564.49 | 1257 |
OH | 459.46 | 116 |
HH | 371.32 | 95 |
VH | 509.91 | 32 |
Others-PWD | 317.09 | 36 |
Total | -- | 7197 |
List 5- SSC CGL Cut-Off and Candidates short-listed in Tier-III for appearing for DV & Skill Test (other posts)
SSC CGL Tier-3 Cut Off 2021-22 (posts requiring CPT) | ||
Category | Cut Off Marks | Candidates Available |
SC | 462.91 | 3193 |
ST | 430.49 | 1828 |
OBC | 504.05 | 7221 |
EWS | 505.43 | 3786 |
UR | 281.91 | 3158 |
ESM | 281.97 | 1903 |
OH | 375.78 | 421 |
HH | 228.45 | 375 |
VH | 392.88 | 198 |
Others-PWD | 166.61 | 120 |
Total | -- | 22203 |
SSC CGL Cut Off 2020
The SSC CGL Exam was concluded on 24th August 2021, and the candidates who have appeared in the Tier-1 Exam were anxiously waiting for the SSC CGL Cut Off which is now released by Staff Selection Commission on the official website SSC CGL Cut off 2020-21 on 26th November 2021 along with the release of SSC CGL Tier-1 Result 2020-21.
SSC CGL Tier 1 Cut-Off 2020
We have tabulated the SSC CGL Cut Off marks for the Tier-1 Exam as released by SSC on its official website for all posts have been listed below. Let's have a look at the SSC CGL Cut-off for Finance & Accounts, Statistics and Other posts.
List-1: Candidates qualified in SSC CGL Tier-I 2020-21 for appearing in Tier-II [Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper-IV {General Studies (Finance & Accounts)}] and Tier-III (for the post of Assistant Audit Officer and Assistant Accounts Officer)
SSC CGL Tier-1 Cut Off 2020 (Finance & Accounts) | ||
Category | Finance & Accounts | Candidates Available |
SC | 145.28912 | 970 |
ST | 140.97604 | 465 |
OBC | 161.36748 | 1784 |
EWS | 164.00018 | 728 |
UR | 167.45963 | 1228 |
OH | 135.76854 | 102 |
HH | 109.04331 | 101 |
Others-PWD | 95.12633 | 51 |
Total | -- | 5429 |
List-2: Candidates qualified in Tier-I for appearing in Tier-II [Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper-III (Statistics)] and Tier-III (for the post of Junior Statistical Officer)
SSC CGL Tier-1 Cut Off 2020 (Statistics) | ||
Category | Statistics | Candidates Available |
SC | 124.61824 | 2241 |
ST | 122.40547 | 958 |
OBC | 147.63201 | 3395 |
EWS | 146.01050 | 1925 |
UR | 153.08245 | 2544 |
OH | 120.17292 | 114 |
HH | 108.73007 | 35 |
Total | -- | 11212 |
List-3: Candidates qualified in Tier-I for appearing in Tier-II (Paper-I and Paper-II) and Tier-III for Other posts
SSC CGL Tier-1 Cut Off 2020 (Other Posts) | ||
Category | Other Posts | Candidates Available |
SC | 100.93079 | 21663 |
ST | 93.75569 | 10351 |
OBC | 119.23278 | 36611 |
EWS | 109.21110 | 15718 |
UR | 132.37260 | 20572 |
ESM | 74.87478 | 5216 |
OH | 85.99074 | 1759 |
HH | 40.00000 | 1357 |
VH | 95.75915 | 488 |
Others-PWD | 40.00000 | 400 |
Total | -- | 114135 |
SSC CGL Tier 2 Cut Off 2020
We have tabulated the SSC CGL Cut Off marks for the Tier 2 as released by SSC on its official website for all posts have been listed below as released along with SSC CGL Tier 2 Result 2020
List-1: Candidates qualified in Tier-II for evaluation of their Tier-III Examination for the post of Assistant Audit Officer (AAO)
SSC CGL Tier-2 Cut Off 2020 [Assistant Audit Officer (AAO)] | ||
Category | Cut-off Marks (Tier-I + Tier-II (Paper-I+II+IV)) | Candidates Available |
SC | 369.29454 | 300 |
ST | 368.36577 | 145 |
OBC | 435.94647 | 540 |
EWS | 471.35718 | 255 |
UR | 471.35718 | 362* |
OH | 388.84705 | 32 |
HH | 301.71110 | 15 |
Others-PWD | 331.66146 | 03 |
Total | -- | 1652 |
List-2: Candidates qualified in Tier-II for evaluation of their Tier-III Examination for the post of Junior Statistical Officer (JSO)
SSC CGL Tier-2 Cut Off 2020 [Junior Statistical Officer (JSO)] | ||
Category | Cut-off Marks (Tier-I + Tier-II (Paper-I+II+IV)) | Candidates Available |
SC | 319.43087 | 512 |
ST | 323.84052 | 245 |
OBC | 390.93987 | 676 |
EWS | 394.22602 | 418 |
UR | 445.23886 | 439* |
OH | 372.30742 | 16 |
HH | 309.80025 | 03 |
Total | -- | 2309 |
List-3: Candidates qualified in Tier-II for evaluation of their Tier-III Examination for the posts other than AAO and JSO
SSC CGL Tier-2 Cut Off 2020 [posts other than AAO and JSO] | ||
Category | Cut-off Marks (Tier-I + Tier-II (Paper-I+II+IV)) | Candidates Available |
SC | 331.52437 | 5253 |
ST | 309.87681 | 2490 |
OBC | 381.12415 | 11109 |
EWS | 366.47505 | 5521 |
UR | 433.61707 | 5448* |
ESM | 204.78638 | 1285 |
OH | 287.10506 | 427 |
HH | 133.20774 | 245 |
VH | 317.48815 | 118 |
Others-PWD | 148.94858 | 50 |
Total | -- | 31946 |
SSC CGL Cut Off 2019
Based on marks scored in Tier-I Examination, candidates have been shortlisted, category-wise, to appear in Tier-II and Tier-III examinations. Separate cutoffs have been fixed for the posts of Assistant Audit Officer and Assistant Accounts Officer, Junior Statistical Officer (JSO) and Statistical Investigator (SI), Grade II and all other posts. Let's have a look at the cut-off for SSC CGL 2019 Tier-I exam.
SSC CGL 2019 Cut Off Tier 1
Candidates can also check SSC CGL tier-I 2019 cutoff below:
List-1: Candidates qualified in SSC CGL Tier-I for appearing in Tier-II [Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper-IV {General Studies (Finance & Accounts)}] and Tier-III
SSC CGL Tier 1 Cut Off 2019 [Finance & Accounts] | ||
Category | Cut-off Marks | Candidates available |
SC | 156.73 | 1576 |
ST | 151.46 | 780 |
OBC | 172.76 | 2904 |
EWS | 175.31 | 1202 |
UR | 180.12 | 2074* |
OH | 147.08 | 149 |
HH | 117.49 | 141 |
Others-PWD | 83.70 | 125 |
Total | - | 8951 |
* In addition to the UR candidates shown above, 71-SC, 19-ST, 1167-OBC, 727 EWS and 7 OH candidates qualifying at UR cut-off have been shown under their respective categories.
List-2: Candidates qualified in Tier-I for appearing in Tier-II [Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper-III (Statistics)] and Tier-III
SSC CGL Tier 1 Cut Off 2019 [Statistics] | ||
Category | Cut-off Marks | Candidates available |
SC | 130.76 | 3647 |
ST | 119.99 | 2020 |
OBC | 154.87 | 6032 |
EWS | 152.03 | 3315 |
UR | 165.77 | 3716* |
OH | 130.86 | 166 |
HH | 86.447 | 181 |
VH | 110.679 | 204 |
Others-PWD | 40 | 110 |
Total | - | 19391 |
* In addition to the UR candidates shown above, 222-SC, 75-ST, 2704-OBC, 1488-EWS, 6-OH, 1-HH and 3-VH candidates qualifying at UR cut-off have been shown under their respective categories.
Note: Only those candidates have been considered eligible for List-2 who have applied for the post(s) of JSO and/ or SI in their online Application Forms.
List-3: Candidates qualified in Tier-I for appearing in Tier-II (Paper-I and Paper-II) and Tier-III
SSC CGL Tier 1 Cut Off 2019 [Other Posts] | ||
Category | Cut-off Marks | Candidates available |
SC | 115.35 | 22965 |
ST | 104.91 | 11737 |
OBC | 135.95 | 38714 |
EWS | 135.04 | 15183 |
UR | 147.78 | 25876* |
ESM | 89.29 | 5758 |
OH | 98.42 | 2196 |
HH | 40 | 1761 |
VH | 110.41 | 664 |
Others-PWD | 40 | 425 |
Total | - | 125279 |
* In addition to the UR candidates shown above, 3500-SC, 1074-ST, 21598-OBC, 8829-EWS, 145-ESM, 139-OH, 19-HH, 82-VH and 3-Others PwD candidates qualifying at UR cut-off have been shown under their respective categories.
SSC CGL Cut Off 2018
Separate cutoffs have been fixed for the posts of Assistant Audit Officer and Assistant Accounts Officer, Junior Statistical Officer (JSO) and Statistical Investigator (SI), Grade II and all other posts for both SSC CGL Tier 1, Tier 2 and Final exam has been tabulated below.
SSC CGL Tier 1 Cut Off 2018
List 1: Candidates qualified in Tier-I for appearing in Tier-II for Paper-I, II & IV (General Studies [Finance & Accounts])
SSC CGL Tier 1 Cut Off 2018 [Finance & Accounts] | ||
Category | Cut Off marks | Candidates Available |
SC | 148.97 | 2444 |
ST | 141.86 | 1272 |
OBC | 165 | 4464 |
UR | 170 | 6247 |
OH | 132.90 | 335 |
HH | 102.45 | 300 |
Other PwD | 62.19 | 100 |
Total | -- | 15162 |
List 2: Candidates qualified in Tier-I for appearing in Tier-II for Paper-I, II & III (Statistics)
SSC CGL Tier 1 Cut Off 2018 [Statistics] | ||
Category | Cut Off marks | Candidates Available |
SC | 140.11 | 1421 |
ST | 129.56 | 891 |
OBC | 162.35 | 2008 |
UR | 165.96 | 3177 |
OH | 112.48 | 333 |
HH | 51.99 | 333 |
VH | 64.57 | 364 |
Other PwD | 40 | 51 |
Total | -- | 8578 |
List 3: Candidates qualified in Tier-I for appearing in Tier-II for Paper-I & II
SSC CGL Tier 1 Cut Off 2018 [Other Posts] | ||
Category | Cut Off marks | Candidates Available |
SC | 111.10 | 27835 |
ST | 130.22 | 12836 |
OBC | 131.18 | 44078 |
UR | 137.07 | 51771 |
ESM | 40 | 8146 |
OH | 95.55 | 2727 |
HH | 40 | 1548 |
VH | 70.25 | 1282 |
Other PwD | 40 | 173 |
Total | -- | 150396 |
SSC CGL 2018 Tier 2 Cut Off
SSC has released SSC CGL Tier 2 Cut-Off 2018 on 25th October 2019 along with its result. All candidates can check SSC CGL Tier-II Cut-Off for all Posts by clicking on the link mentioned below:
Cut-Off Details for appearing in Combined Graduate Level Examination, 2018 (Tier-III) are as follows:
List 1: Candidates qualified for appearing in Tier-III for the posts of Assistant Audit Officer & Assistant Accounts Officer
SSC CGL Tier 2 Cut Off 2018 [Finance & Accounts] | ||
Category | Cut Off marks [Tier I + II] | Candidates Available |
SC | 463.15 | 841 |
ST | 460.21 | 421 |
OBC | 510.92 | 1724 |
UR | 572.51 | 1762 |
OH | 409.26 | 111 |
HH | 347.35 | 100 |
Other PwD | 168.04 | 50 |
Total | -- | 5009 |
* In addition to the UR candidates shown above 92-SC, 17-ST, 774-OBC and 1-OH candidates qualifying at UR standard have been shown under their respective categories.
List 2: Candidates qualified for appearing in Tier-III for the posts of Junior Statistical Officer (JSO)
SSC CGL Tier 2 Cut Off 2018 [JSO] | ||
Category | Cut Off marks [Tier I + II] | Candidates Available |
SC | 422.95 | 478 |
ST | 403.95 | 301 |
OBC | 517.76 | 583 |
UR | 535.86 | 955 |
OH | 348.50 | 112 |
HH | 223.46 | 106 |
VH | 267.51 | 121 |
Other PwD | 165.04 | 16 |
Total | -- | 2672 |
List 3: Candidates qualified for appearing in Tier III for posts other than Assistant Audit Officer, Assistant Accounts Officer, and Junior Statistical
SSC CGL Tier 2 Cut Off 2018 [Other Posts] | ||
Category | Cut Off marks [Tier I + II] | Candidates Available |
SC | 354.74 | 8050 |
ST | 327.05 | 4022 |
OBC | 403.33 | 15359 |
UR | 535.86 | 17439 |
ESM | 252.12 | 3244 |
OH | 302.50 | 859 |
HH | 165.73 | 777 |
VH | 280.98 | 404 |
Other PwD | 122.58 | 86 |
Total | -- | 50240 |
* In addition to the UR candidates shown above 1320-SC, 361-ST, 8373-OBC, 44- OH, 4-HH and 22-VH candidates qualifying at UR standard have been shown under their respective categories.
Note-I: After excluding common candidates, 50293 candidates are qualifying for appearing in Tier-III Examination.
Note-II: Candidates qualifying in more than one list need to appear in Tier-III Examination only once.
SSC CGL Final Cut Off 2018
SSC CGL Cut Off 2018 | ||
Category | Assistant Audit Officer (AAO) | Junior Statistical Officer (Grade-II) |
UR | 743.64723 | 710.04024 |
OBC | 717.09534 | 684.77177 |
SC | 649.10892 | 607.14661 |
ST | 626.14329 | 577.33874 |
EWS | 706.34389 | 669.11759 |
OH | 603.83585 | 573.40214 |
HH | 529.19391 | – |
SSC CGL 2017 Cut-Off
Staff Selection Commission of India (SSC) has released the SSC CGL 2017 Final Cut-Off Marks & select list of candidates. All candidates can check SSC CGL 2017-18 Tier-I, II, II Cut-Off from the tables mentioned below:
SSC CGL Tier 1 Revised Cut-Off (2017)
List-I: Candidates qualified in Tier-I for appearing in Tier-II (Paper-I, Paper-II, Paper-IV (General Studies (Finance & Accounts) and Tier-III
Category | Previous Cut Off | Revised Cut Off | Candidates Available Before | Candidates Available Now |
SC | 129.00 | 125.50 | 2502 | 3218 |
ST | 123.00 | 119.00 | 1161 | 1568 |
OBC | 140.50 | 135.50 | 6049 | 8840 |
OH | 113.50 | 111.50 | 240 | 281 |
HH | 79.00 | 75.00 | 228 | 276 |
UR | 152.50 | 148.00 | 5270 | 7763 |
Total | 15,450 | 21,946 |
List-II : Candidates qualified in Tier-I for appearing in Tier-II (Paper-I, Paper-II, Paper-III (Statistics)) and Tier-III
Category | Previous Cut Off | Revised Cut Off | Candidates Available Before | Candidates Available Now |
SC | 127.50 | 123.50 | 1518 | 2055 |
ST | 117.00 | 114.50 | 837 | 989 |
OBC | 140.00 | 135.50 | 3850 | 5503 |
OH | 104.50 | 102.00 | 202 | 244 |
HH | 62.00 | 61.00 | 210 | 227 |
VH | 116.00 | 116.00 | 39 | 39 |
UR | 151.00 | 146.50 | 3655 | 5458 |
Total | 10,311 | 14,515 |
Only candidates who had applied/possess EQ for the post of J.S.O. have been considered for Paper-III.
List – III : Candidates qualified in Tier-I for appearing in Tier-II (Paper-I and Paper-II) and Tier-III
Category | Previous Cut Off | Revised Cut Off | Candidates Available Before | Candidates Available Now |
SC | 103.00 | 98.00 | 25052 | 32239 |
ST | 93.00 | 88.50 | 12358 | 15368 |
OBC | 115.00 | 110.00 | 58633 | 74604 |
Ex.S. | 73.50 | 69.00 | 6290 | 7201 |
OH | 87.00 | 84.50 | 2327 | 2684 |
HH | 40.00 | 38.00 | 1709 | 1796 |
VH | 89.50 | 89.50 | 559 | 559 |
UR | 131.00 | 126.50 | 43476 | 55387 |
Total | 1,50,404 | 1,89,838 |
On the basis of CGL(Tier-I) Exam, 2017, number of candidates provisionally qualified for Tier-II and Tier-III are :-
Tier-II (Paper-I and II) and Tier-III : 1,89,838 (Total candidates)
Tier-II (Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper-III) and Tier-III : 14,515 (Only for post of JSO)
Tier-II (Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper-IV) and Tier-III : 21,946 (Only for posts of AAO)
SSC CGL Tier 2 Cut-Off 2017
SSC(Staff Selection Commission) has released the Cut-Off List of SSC CGL 2017 Tier-II Exam. SSC CGL Tier-II Exam was held from 17th February to 22nd February 2018.
List-1: Candidates qualified for appearing in CGLE 2017 (Tier-III) for the posts of Assistant Audit Officer and Assistant Accounts Officer:
Category | SC | ST | OBC | OH | HH | UR | Total |
Cut-off Marks Tier-I+Tier-II (Paper-I+II+IV) | 500.50 | 479.00 | 538.00 | 458.00 | 348.25 | 573.00 | - |
Candidates available | 563 | 275 | 1456 | 57 | 55 | 1313* | 3719 |
List-2: Candidates qualified for appearing in CGLE 2017 (Tier-III) for the post of Junior Statistical Officer (JSO):
Category | SC | ST | OBC | OH | HH | UR | Total |
Cut-off Marks Tier-I+Tier-II (Paper-I+II+III) | 200.00 | 200.00 | 240.00 | 200.00 | 200.00 | 280.00 | - |
Candidates available | 655 | 394 | 1914 | 82 | 82 | 1723* | 4850 |
List-3: Candidates qualified for appearing in CGLE 2017 (Tier-III) for posts other than Assistant Audit Officer, Assistant Accounts Officer and Junior Statistical Officer:
Category | SC | ST | OBC | EXM | OH | HH | VH | UR | Total |
Cut-off Marks Tier-I + Tier-II (Paper I+II) | 338.25 | 311.25 | 379.75 | 263.50 | 294.00 | 191.00 | 311.00 | 415.50 | - |
Candidates available | 7669 | 3792 | 16045 | 2394 | 756 | 521 | 190 | 15053* | 46420 |
SSC CGL Tier-III Cut-Off 2017-18
No. of Candidates Qualified in SSC CGL Tier-III: 35,990
Category | Assistant Audit Officer | Junior Statistical Officer (Grade-II) | Selected For CPT | Selected For DEST |
Exam | Tier-I+Tier-II(Paper I+II+IV) + Tier-III | Tier-I + Tier-II(Paper I+II+III)+ Tier-III | Tier-I + Tier-II(Paper I+II)+ Tier-III | Tier-I + Tier-II(Paper I+II)+ Tier-III |
UR | 642.50 | 515.00 | 496.50 | 488.25 |
OBC | 607.00 | 510.00 | 494.75 | 451.25 |
SC | 571.00 | 450.00 | 441.75 | 380.75 |
ST | 547.25 | 425.00 | 418.50 | 380.00 |
SSC CGL Cut-off 2016
The tables given below explain the SSC CGL cut off for Tier 1 & 2 Exam 2016 for various categories for all posts.
SSC CGL 2016 Tier 1 Cut Off
Categories | For all Posts |
UR | 137.00 |
OBC | 125.50 |
SC | 114.00 |
ST | 103.00 |
Ex.S | 92.00 |
OH | 97.00 |
HH | 20.00 |
VH | 68.00 |
SSC CGL 2016 Tier 2 Cut Off
Category | Assistant Audit Officer | Assistant Section Officer in CSS and Assistant in MEA | Junior Statistical Officer (Grade-II) | Remaining Posts |
Tier-I+Tier-II (Paper I+II+IV) | Tier-I + Tier-II(Paper I+II) | Tier-I + Tier-II(Paper I+II+III) | Tier-I + Tier-II (Paper I+II) | |
UR | 536.00 | 449.00 | 502.00 | 422.00 |
OBC | 493.75 | 424.50 | 471.00 | 397.00 |
SC | 454.00 | 389.00 | 423.00 | 363.25 |
ST | 427.00 | 370.00 | 397.00 | 341.00 |
Ex.S | - | - | - | - |
OH | 411.00 | 366.50 | 364.00 | 333.00 |
HH | 264.00 | 262.00 | 230.25 | 216.00 |
VH | - | 364.50 | 267.50 | 336.00 |
That's All, we have provided complete information about SSC CGL Cut off Expected & Previous Year. If you are preparing for upcoming SSC CGL exams, then this informative article about SSC CGL Cut Off will be of great help to build a strong foundation for your preparations.
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