Table of Contents
Vegetables and fruits are essential for our overall well-being due to their rich nutrient content. They are colorful and tasty foods that help us grow strong and healthy. They come in many different shapes and sizes, like crunchy carrots, juicy tomatoes, and leafy spinach. Eating vegetables gives us vitamins and minerals, aiding in weight management and maintaining a healthy Digestive System. Some vegetables, like peas and corn, are sweet, while others, like broccoli and cucumbers, are crunchy and fun to eat. You can enjoy vegetables in salads, soups, or even snacks. So eat a rainbow of vegetables every day and stay happy and healthy! Here we have discussed a few names of vegetables in both Hindi and English.
Vegetable Name
Friends, we all eat vegetables, and it’s unusual to find someone who doesn’t. Vegetables are a key part of our diet and are great for our health. They come in many types and are grown all over the world. While we might know the names of some vegetables, there are many others we might not recognize. This is because some vegetables are only found in specific regions or countries, while others can be found everywhere. The variety of vegetables is vast, and learning about different ones can be interesting and beneficial.
The vegetable names must be taught in the beginning, especially to young students in the first and second grades, so that they can have a basic understanding of vegetable names (sabjiyon ke naam). So, today we are covering different vegetable names for students to help them learn all the names.
Vegetable Names in English
Below we have discussed a few most common vegetable names:
- Carrot
- Broccoli
- Spinach
- Tomatoes
- Potato
- Onion
- Bell Pepper
- Cucumber
- Lettuce
- Cauliflower
- Zucchini
- Pea
- Garlic
- Bottle Gourd
- Bitter Gourd
50 Vegetable Names in English and Hindi
Here is a list of 50 vegetable names written in a table in English and Hindi.
Vegetable Names in English and Hindi | |
English | हिंदी अर्थ |
Tomato | टमाटर |
Bottle Gourd | लौकी |
Potato | आलू |
Pea | मटर |
Green Chili | हरी मिर्च |
Cucumber | खीरा |
Onion | प्याज |
Cauliflower | फूल गोभी |
Bitter Gourd | करेला |
Pointed Gourd | परवल |
Cabbage | बंद गोभी |
Beat-root | चुकंदर |
Bean | सेम |
Jack-fruit | कटहल |
Ridge Gourd | तरोई |
Sponge Gourd | नेनुआ (घेवडा) |
Ginger | अदरक |
Capsicum | शिमला मीर्च |
Pumpkin | कद्दू |
Brinjal | बैगन |
Spinach | पालक |
Coriander Leaf | धनिया पत्ता |
Round Melon | टिंडा |
Colocasia Root | अरवी |
Turnips | शलजम |
Mushroom | मशरूम |
Garlic | लहसून |
Sweet-Potato | शकरकंद (गंजी) |
Green Onion | हरा प्याज |
Dill | सोया |
Radish | मूली |
Mint | पुदीना |
Soya beans | सोयाबीन |
Green-Mustard | हरा सरसों |
Wild Spinach | जंगली पालक |
Fava beans | बाकला |
French beans | फ्रेंच बीन्स |
Kideny beans | राजमा |
Drumstick | सहजन |
Tendli Gourd | कुदरुन |
White Brinjal | सफेद बैगन |
Curry leaves | करी पत्ता |
Tamarind | इमली |
Raw papaya | कच्चा पपीता |
Olive | जैतुन |
Natal plum | करौंदा |
Keri | कच्चा आम/ अमिया |
Baby corn | मक्का |
Cluster beans | ग्वार की फली |
Amaranth leaves | चौराई |
Yam | रतालु |
Ash gourd | पेठा |
Spine gourd | ककोर |
Red chili | लाल मिर्च |
Chickpea | काबुली चना |
Lotus cucumber | कमल ककड़ी |
Runner beans | सेम की फली |
Elephant foot yam | जिमीकंद |
Cassava | कसावा |
Chives | प्याज का पत्ता |
Ceylon spinach | पोई |
Raw banana flower | कच्चे केले का फूल |
Bamboo shoot | बांस के कोपले |
Taro root | कान्दू |
Cape gooseberry | केप करौंदा |
Amaranth | अम्लान पुष्प |
Arugula | आर्गुला |
Fennel | सौंफ |
Fenugreek leaf | मेथी |
Jute Flower | सनैल का फूल |
Lady-Finger | भिन्डी |
What is the National Vegetable of India?
The Pumpkin is the national vegetable of India. This humble vegetable, known as “Kaddu” in Hindi, holds cultural significance and is a staple in Indian cuisine. Its vibrant orange color reflects the diversity and richness of the country. Pumpkins are not only tasty but also nutritious, offering a good dose of vitamins and minerals. In Indian households, various delicious dishes like pumpkin curry, soup, and sweets are prepared, showcasing the versatility of this vegetable.
Name the King of Vegetables
The brinjal, also known as eggplant or Bagan, is often called the “king of vegetables.” It’s a shiny, purple vegetable that grows on a plant with big green leaves. People love it because it’s very tasty and can be cooked in many different ways, like roasting, frying, or baking. It’s also good for health, as it has vitamins and fiber. Brinjal is used in many dishes around the world, making it a popular choice in many kitchens.
Names Of Vegetables with their Description
Some more examples of vegetables have been tabulated below:
Some Common Vegetables with their Description | |
Name of Vegetables | Description |
Brussels Sprouts | belong to the family of cabbage and are green edible buds. They are high in fiber and antioxidants. |
Drumsticks | are pod vegetables and are commonly found in India. It is one of those vegetables that can be consumed whole as well as its seeds, leaves, and stems. They are rich in antioxidants. |
Beetroot | is a red vegetable and is the taproot portion of the beet plant. It can be used in salads or juices. |
Asparagus | Asparagus is a plant whose young green shoots are a good source of fiber and vitamins A, K, and C. |
Bitter Gourd | Bitter gourd, as the name suggests, is a vegetable that tastes quite bitter. It is widely grown in Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean areas. |
Cauliflower | is a cruciferous vegetable, and the head of the vegetable is consumed. It is a rich source of vitamin B and fiber. |
Broccoli | Broccoli belongs to the family of cabbage and is an edible flowering plant. It is very low in calories and hence a good choice for those on diets. |
Carrot | Carrots are orange root vegetables that are commonly consumed all across the world. They are also a good source of vitamin A. |
Cabbage | Cabbage is a leafy green vegetable that has many layers and is grown annually around the world. This vegetable helps to keep the bad cholesterol under control. |
Celery | Celery is a vegetable grown in marshlands. It is green in color has a fibrous stalk, and is a rich source of antioxidants. |
Interesting Facts About Vegetables
Some of the interesting facts regarding vegetables have been discussed below:
- Bell Peppers can come in various colors like red, green, yellow, and even purple, each indicating a different stage of ripeness.
- Broccoli is a remarkable vegetable as it is not only rich in vitamins and fiber but also contains more protein per calorie than beef.
- The heaviest cabbage ever recorded weighed around 130 pounds, emphasizing the incredible diversity within the vegetable world.
- Brussels sprouts grow in a spiral pattern along a thick stalk, resembling a mini cabbage tree.
- Spinach has a unique ability to regenerate and produce new leaves after harvesting, making it a resilient and sustainable vegetable.
- The potato is not only a staple food but also a versatile vegetable that can be used to generate electricity due to its high starch content.
- Asparagus can grow up to 10 inches in a single day, making it one of the fastest-growing vegetables.
- The humble sweet potato is not only delicious but also packed with nutrients, including beta-carotene, which gives it a vibrant orange color.