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SET Admit Card 2023 Out, Symbiosis Hall Ticket Download Link

SET Admit Card 2023: Symbiosis International University, Pune will conduct the Symbiosis Entrance Test (SET) 2023 on 6th May 2023. The SET Admit Card 2023 for the applicants who have registered for the Entrance Test has been released on 25th April 2023. SIU, Pune has released the Symbiosis Admit Card 2023 at the official website www.set-test.org. Only those candidates who have successfully completed the SET Application process by paying the requisite fee can able to access their SET Admit Card 2023.

SET Admit Card 2023

Symbiosis International University, Pune conducts the Symbiosis Entrance Test every year twice to shortlist interested students for various UG programmes in Engineering, Law, Design, etc. The marks obtained by the candidates in the entrance test will serve as one of the admission criteria into the bachelor’s programme offered by the university. To be allowed to appear in the entrance test, it is mandatory for the applicants to carry their SET Exam Admit Card 2023. Candidates are required to log in to the official portal of SIU using their registration credentials to download their SET Hall Ticket 2023.

Symbiosis Admit Card 2023

Symbiosis Entrance Test will be held twice, the First test is scheduled to be held on 6th May 2023 whereas the Second test is scheduled to be held on 14th May 2023. The Symbiosis Admit Card 2023 for the first tests has been released on 25th April and for second will release on 3rd May 2023 respectively. Take a look at the table below to know more about the SET Exam Admit Card 2023.

SET Admit Card 2023
Exam Name Symbiosis Entrance Test 2023
Conducting Body Symbiosis International (Deemed University), Pune
Category Admit Card
Status Released
SET Admit Card 2023 Test 1- 25th April 2023

Test 2- 3rd May 2023

SET Exam Date 2023 Test 1- 6th May 2023

Test 2- 14th May 2023

Official Website www.set-test.org

SET Admit Card 2023 Download Link

The SET Admit Card 2023 has been made available for the registered candidates at the official website SIU i.e, www.set-test.org. However, in case applicants face any inconvenience in accessing the official website, they can also download their Symbiosis Admit Card 2023 from the direct link which has been provided here. Students are advised to check and download their SET Exam Admit Card 2023 and must not forget to carry the hard copies on the exam day.

Steps to Download the Symbiosis Admit Card 2023

Follow the steps given below to download your Symbiosis Admit Card 2023 without any inconvenience-

Step 1: Visit the official Symbiosis Entrance Test website at www.set-test.org.

Step 2: On the homepage, click on the link which says ‘Download SET Exam Admit Card 2023’.

Step 3: Next the candidates will be required to enter their log-in credentials such as Username and Password.

Step 4: Click on the ‘View and Print Admit Card’ button.

Step 5: The Symbiosis Admit Card 2023 will appear on your screen.

Step 6: Download the document and print the hard copies of it.

Details mentioned in the SET Admit Card 2023

The following details have been mentioned on the candidate’s SET Admit Card 2023. It is advised for the candidates to thoroughly verify the details printed and tally them with the ones mentioned in the SET Application Form.

  1. Name of the Candidate
  2. Admission category
  3. SET ID
  4. Exam date and time
  5. Venue address
  6. Seat number
  7. Candidate’s date of birth
  8. Exam day instructions

How to correct the error in the SET Hall Ticket 2023

Candidates must contact the exam authority immediately in case any discrepancy is noted on their SET Hall Ticket 2023. The errors must be corrected as the students will have to go through a security check before entering the exam hall and the SET Exam Admit Card 2023 will have to be presented. In case the details mentioned in the admit card vary from the ID proof of the candidate, they will be restricted from appearing for the test. So, contact the SET Exam authorities by using the below given contact details to correct the details in your SET Hall Ticket 2023.

SET helpline desk: 020-28116226/27, 020- 61936226/27

Email ID: info@set-test.org 

Documents to be carried along with the SET Admit Card 2023

Candidates are required to carry at least one photo ID proof from the below mentioned ones along with their SET Admit Card 2023. The details mentioned in the candidate’s Hall Ticket are tallied with the ID Proof for verification purposes.

  1. Passport
  2. Driving License
  3. College/Institute ID card
  4. Credit Card with photograph
  5. Voter ID card
  6. Pan card
  7. Aadhar card

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SET Exam Admit Card 2023- FAQs

Ans. The SET Exam Admit Card 2023 for Test 1 has been released on 25th April 2023.

About the Author

As Associate Manager- Content Writer, I take on leadership within our content creation team, overseeing the development of error-free educational content. My primary responsibility is to produce and analyse high-quality content educating and informing the aspirants about upcoming government exams published on our website. I have more than 6 years experience in content writing wherein 4.5 years of experience in ed-tech content writing.