RRB NTPC 2025 exam will be conducted to fill 11558 vacancies for Graduate and undergraduate level posts under Railway Non-Technical Popular Categories (NTPC). Through this exam, recruitment will be done for posts - Junior Clerk cum Typist, Accounts Clerk cum Typist, Trains Clerk, Commercial cum Ticket Clerk, Goods Train Manager, Chief Commercial cum Ticket Supervisor, Senior Clerk cum Typist, Junior Account Assistant cum Typist, and Station Master. For better preparation for this exam, here we are sharing the best practice mock test for RRB NTPC 2025 exam in both English and Hindi languages.

RRB NTPC Mock Test 2025

Start attempting the Railway NTPC Mock Test Series for the RRB NTPC Exam and increase your chances of excelling in the CBT 1 exam. Adda247and Career Power launched the two mock test packages for RRB NTPC 2025 CBT 1 and 2 Exams. You can attempts both mock test which are given below. 

RRB NTPC Mock Test in English & Hindi

RRB NTPC Premium Online Test Series (Stage I & II)328 Test SeriesAttempt Now

Railway Exams Mock Test Pack

Railway Prime Test Pack (NTPC Included)940 Test Series, 68 E-booksAttempt Now

RRB NTPC Mock Test 2025

The exam dates for the first stage of the computer-based test have not been announced by RRB yet. With a good amount of time in hand, aspirants need to have a strategic preparation plan and move forward by analyzing their strengths and weaknesses. The best way to know the strong and weak areas is to attempt mock tests.

Adda247 brings to you the RRB NTPC Mock Test Series, exclusively designed based on the latest exam pattern and syllabus. Therefore RRB NTPC free / paid mock test will help you prepare for the RRB NTPC examination well in advance. RRB NTPC Mock Test is what you need to practice now as it conducts online examinations in various stages called tiers. Gear up and start preparing for the RRB NTPC 2025 exam with the RRB NTPC mock test series 2025.

Salient Features of RRB NTPC Mock Test Series

• Full Mocks, Section Wise Tests & Previous Year Papers for RRB NTPC CBT Exam.

• Accessible on Adda247 store and Adda247 Mobile App.

• Available in English & Hindi Medium.

• Detailed Solutions.

• Monthly Current Affairs (Last 6 Months).

• Analysis of The Attempted Tests in Detail (All India Rank, comparison with toppers etc.

All Mock Test Series are prepared by the expert faculties of Adda247 and these mock tests are based on the latest pattern of exam. Let's have a look at the exam pattern of RRB NTPC.

Benefits of Solving RRB NTPC Mock Test 2025

Practicing RRB NTPC Mock Test 2025 offers several benefits, especially when preparing for RRB NTPC 2025 Exam. Here are some key advantages of of Solving RRB NTPC Mock Tests:

  1. Improves Time Management- RRB NTPC Mock tests simulate the real exam environment, helping you learn how to manage time effectively across different sections. Candidates become more aware of how much time to allocate to each question or section.
  2. Identifies Weak Areas- By attempting RRB NTPC mock tests and test series, you can identify topics or sections where you are weak, allowing you to focus more on those areas which provides a reality check on your preparedness level.
  3. Reduces Exam Anxiety- Experiencing a near-real test environment repeatedly makes you more comfortable and less stressed during the actual exam.
  4. Enhances Accuracy- Practising under exam-like conditions helps improve your accuracy, reducing careless mistakes. You get familiar with the type of questions that often lead to errors.
  5. Builds Exam Confidence- Regular practice builds confidence, reducing anxiety on the actual exam day. Familiarity with the exam pattern through mocks helps in feeling more comfortable.
  6. Boosts Speed- RRB NTPC Mock Tests help increase your speed by practicing solving questions quickly and efficiently. Over time, you develop shortcuts and strategies to answer questions faster.
  7. Gives Insights into the Exam Pattern- The RRB NTPC Mock tests often mirror the actual exam’s format, allowing you to understand the structure and types of questions you will encounter. It prepares you for any variations in question difficulty or type.
  8. Tracks Progress- You can track your progress over time and measure improvement after each test. This feedback helps in fine-tuning your preparation.
  9. Improves Problem-Solving Skills- The Mock tests force you to think critically and solve problems under pressure, which enhances your analytical and problem-solving abilities.
  10. Helps in Strategy Formulation- Through consistent practicing with RRB NTPC Mock Tests, you can develop effective strategies for tackling different sections, deciding the order in which to answer, and whether to skip difficult questions.

Mistakes to Avoid while Practising RRB NTPC Mock Test

While practicing the RRB NTPC Mock Test 2025 (Railway Recruitment Board Non-Technical Popular Categories), it's important to avoid certain mistakes to maximize your effectiveness. Here are some key mistakes to avoid:

Not Analyzing the Mock Test ResultsAfter every mock test, thoroughly review the results. Analyze your mistakes, time spent on each question, and areas where you struggled. Focus on improving your weak points.
Practicing mock tests without a time limit.Always practice with a timer. Time management is crucial in RRB NTPC exams, and you must train yourself to answer questions quickly and efficiently.
Spending too much time on questions you find easy and not attempting challenging questions.Strike a balance. While it’s good to build accuracy with easy questions, also focus on tougher ones to improve your overall skill set.
Attempting random mock tests without aligning them with the actual exam syllabus and pattern.Ensure that your mock tests cover the same subjects and question types that appear in the RRB NTPC exam. Stick to the syllabus to make your practice more focused and relevant.
Only taking full-length mock tests without focusing on individual sections.In addition to full-length mocks, practice section-wise tests (Maths, General Intelligence, General Awareness, etc.) to build a deeper understanding of each section.
Not accounting for negative marking and attempting all questions, even if unsure of the answers.Be cautious while answering questions. If you're unsure, it's better to skip or guess strategically. Avoid wild guesses as there’s a penalty for wrong answers in the RRB NTPC exam.
Focusing only on your strengths and ignoring weaker areas.Pay special attention to sections where you are scoring low. Use mock tests to improve in those areas rather than just revisiting concepts you are already comfortable with.
Failing to track the time spent on each question and getting stuck on difficult ones.Aim to answer questions within a limited time frame. If a question takes too long, move on and return to it later if time permits.
Practicing mock tests only occasionally or inconsistently.Consistency is key. Make mock tests a regular part of your study routine to maintain momentum and improve steadily.
Only focusing on mock tests without reviewing actual previous years' question papers.Along with mock tests, practice RRB NTPC previous year question papers to get an idea of the real exam’s difficulty level, question trends, and key topics.

Railway NTPC Exam Pattern

The Railway NTPC Exam will be conducted in the following different phases:

  • First Stage of CBT
  • Second Stage of CBT
  • Skill Test or CBAT
  • Medical Examination

Railway NTPC CBT 1 Exam Pattern

SectionsNo. of QuestionsTotal MarksDuration
Mathematics303090 minutes
General Intelligence and Reasoning3030
General Awareness4040

Railway NTPC CBT 2 Exam Pattern

SectionsNo. of QuestionsTotal MarksDuration
Mathematics353590 minutes
General Intelligence and Reasoning3535
General Awareness5050
Related Links
RRB NTPC Previous Year Question PapersRRB NTPC Eligibility Criteria
RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 2025RRB NTPC Syllabus 2025
RRB NTPC Salary StructureRRB NTPC Previous Year Cut Off
RRB NTPC Mock Test 2025- FAQs

RRB NTPC Mock tests are a vital part of exam preparation, helping in systematic learning and improving your chances of success.

In this article, we have shared RRB NTPC Mock Test 2025 both in English and Hindi language.