Roman Numbers 1 to 100: Roman Numbers or Roman Numerals are simply the counting or the numbers we learn during our childhood years, written using different alphabets and translated into Roman script. The Roman numerals were introduced in 5500 BC by the Romans in order to price different goods and services. The thought of the importance of Roman numbers might cross the head of children at many points by learning them. Roman Numbers have various uses and a lot of importance in today’s era.
Roman Numbers
Roman Numbers 1 to 100 is a list of numbers from 1 to 100 that have been translated into roman numerals. The Romans introduced the roman number system about 500 BC, which is still widely used in various regions of the world today. To price various goods and services, Roman numbers from 1 to 100 were adopted. Roman Numbers 1 to 100 will make it simple for students to learn how to convert numbers to roman numerals. All of the rules for writing roman numerals from 1 to 100 have been simplified in this article.
Some of the uses of Roman Numbers in ancient times have been listed below:
- Various kings and queens of the older times had Roman Numbers with their names, for example King Henry VII.
- Roman numbers are used in clocks or watches and to write dates or years.
- Roman numbers form the basis for Indian Math.
- Roman numbers are usually used in degrees, certificates and diplomas.
With this article the students will be able to learn the Roman Numbers/Numerals in a very simplified form. The article has Roman numerals from 1 to 100 which are the basic building blocks in learning Roman numbers. In this article the Roman numerals have been listed along with their Hindu-Arabic counterparts for a better understanding of the students.
Roman Numbers 1 to 100
The following is a table that shows the Roman Numbers from 1 to 100:
Number | Roman Numbers | Number in Words |
1 | I | One |
2 | II | Two |
3 | III | Three |
4 | IV | Four |
5 | V | Five |
6 | VI | Six |
7 | VII | Seven |
8 | VIII | Eight |
9 | IX | Nine |
10 | X | Ten |
11 | XI | Eleven |
12 | XII | Twelve |
13 | XIII | Thirteen |
14 | XIV | Fourteen |
15 | XV | Fifteen |
16 | XVI | Sixteen |
17 | XVII | Seventeen |
18 | XVIII | Eighteen |
19 | XIX | Nineteen |
20 | XX | Twenty |
21 | XXI | Twenty-one |
22 | XXII | Twenty-two |
23 | XXIII | Twenty-three |
24 | XXIV | Twenty-four |
25 | XXV | Twenty-five |
26 | XXVI | Twenty-six |
27 | XXVII | Twenty-seven |
28 | XXVIII | Twenty-eight |
29 | XXIX | Twenty-nine |
30 | XXX | Thirty |
31 | XXXI | Thirty-one |
32 | XXXII | Thirty-two |
33 | XXXIII | Thirty-three |
34 | XXXIV | Thirty-four |
35 | XXXV | Thirty-five |
36 | XXXVI | Thirty-six |
37 | XXXVII | Thirty-seven |
38 | XXXVIII | Thirty-eight |
39 | XXXIX | Thirty-nine |
40 | XL | Fourty |
41 | XLI | Fourty-one |
42 | XLII | Fourty-two |
43 | XLIII | Fourty-three |
44 | XLIV | Fourty-four |
45 | XLV | Fourty-five |
46 | XLVI | Fourty-six |
47 | XLVII | Fourty-seven |
48 | XLVIII | Fourty-eight |
49 | XLIX | Fourty-nine |
50 | L | Fifty |
51 | LI | Fifty-one |
52 | LII | Fifty-two |
53 | LIII | Fifty-three |
54 | LIV | Fifty-four |
55 | LV | Fifty-five |
56 | LVI | Fifty-six |
57 | LVII | Fifty-seven |
58 | LVIII | Fifty-eight |
59 | LIX | Fifty-nine |
60 | LX | Sixty |
61 | LXI | Sixty-one |
62 | LXII | Sixty-two |
63 | LXIII | Sixty-three |
64 | LXIV | Sixty-four |
65 | LXV | Sixty-five |
66 | LXVI | Sixty-six |
67 | LXVII | Sixty-seven |
68 | LXVIII | Sixty-eight |
69 | LXIX | Sixty-nine |
70 | LXX | Seventy |
71 | LXXI | Seventy-one |
72 | LXXII | Seventy-two |
73 | LXXIII | Seventy-three |
74 | LXXIV | Seventy-four |
75 | LXXV | Seventy-five |
76 | LXXVI | Seventy-six |
77 | LXXVII | Seventy-seven |
78 | LXXVIII | Seventy-eight |
79 | LXXIX | Seventy-nine |
80 | LXXX | Eighty |
81 | LXXXI | Eighty-one |
82 | LXXXII | Eighty-two |
83 | LXXXIII | Eighty-three |
84 | LXXXIV | Eighty-four |
85 | LXXXV | Eighty-five |
86 | LXXXVI | Eighty-six |
87 | LXXXVII | Eighty-seven |
88 | LXXXVIII | Eighty-eight |
89 | LXXXIX | Eighty-nine |
90 | XC | Ninety |
91 | XCI | Ninety-one |
92 | XCII | Ninety-two |
93 | XCIII | Ninety-three |
94 | XCIV | Ninety-four |
95 | XCV | Ninety-five |
96 | XCVI | Ninety-six |
97 | XCVII | Ninety-seven |
98 | XCVIII | Ninety-eight |
99 | XCIX | Ninety-nine |
100 | C | One hundred |
Roman Numbers 1 to 100 Chart

Roman Numerals- Tips to learn
For simple math calculations, students should practice roman numbers 1 to 100. Roman numbers 1 to 100 can be written by using any of the two given below methods. Suppose we have to write 86 numbers into Roman numbers, learn the methods here.
Method 1: In this method, we break 86 into the least expandable form, write their respective roman letter and add/ subtract them, i.e. 86 = 50 + 30 + 6 = L + XXX + VI = LXXXXVI
Method 2: In this method, we consider the groups of numbers for addition such as: 86 =80 + 6 = LXXX + VI = LXXXVI
Students can use any of the above two methods for writing Roman Numerals from 1 to 100.
Roman Numeral 1 to 100: Rules to Remember
While writing roman numbers from 1 to 100, there are some guidelines to follow. These guidelines are detailed in this article:
1. When a bigger letter precedes a smaller letter, the letters are added.
For example: CX, C > X, so CX = C + X = 100 + 10 = 110.
2. When a smaller letter precedes a bigger letter, the letters are subtracted.
For example: IV, I < V, so IV = V - I = 5 - 1 = 4.
3. When a letter is repeated multiple times, they get added.
For example: MMM = M + M + M = 1000 + 1000 + 1000 = 3000
4. The same letter cannot be used more than three times in succession.
For example: V, L, and D cannot be repeated, they appear only once.
Conversion from Roman Numbers to Hindu Arabic Numerals
This is how some of the important represented in the Hindu Arabic number system.
Hindu-Arabic Numerals | Roman Numerals |
1 | I |
5 | V |
10 | X |
50 | L |
100 | C |
500 | D |
1000 | M |
How is this done?
Following are the steps for the conversion of Hindu-Arabic numbers to Roman numerals:
Let’s take a number, 1990.
STEP 1: Break the number 1995 into 1000, 900 and 90.
STEP 2: Now convert:
1000 + 900 + 90 + = 1990
● 1000 = M
● 900 = CM
● 90 = XC
So, 1990 becomes MCMXC
Although the above method simplifies the conversion of Hindu Arabic numerals to Roman numerals, one must know that Roman numbers are slightly different in their usage. This difference can be observed in the calculation because one might face various complications in case of some advanced numbers simply because there is no place for zero in the Roman Numbers. Although one can learn subtraction and addition of Roman numerals, division and multiplication are difficult tasks.
Things to be taken care of while dealing with Roman Numbers
1. Three times is the maximum limit for the repetition of a symbol.
2. If one or more symbols are preceded by another symbol of some greater value, then add them. Example: XI = 11 (10+1 is 11= X+ I = XI)3. If a symbol is followed by another symbol which is of some greater value than the former one then that amount must be subtracted. Example: CM = 900 (1000 – 100 = 900)
Most Important Roman Numbers
Although all the basic Roman Numbers that are important for building the basic know-how of the Roman numerals have been listed in this article. However, some more Roman numerals that are of really high importance have been listed below:
Number | Roman Number Representation |
5000 | V |
10,000 | X |
50,000 | L |
100,000 | C |
500,000 | D |
1,000000 | M |
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