One Word Substitutions
One Word Substitution is an essential topic of vocabulary. As the name suggests, questions based on this concept ask you to replace a given sentence with an appropriate word. One-word substitution is an important concept in the English language as it makes communication much more concise, lucid, and easy. One-word substitution refers to those types of questions where a sentence or a phrase is simply replaced by a word that describes the whole sentence. One-word substitution makes the sentence structure more precise. One-word substitution questions frequently occur in many national-level exams such as SSC CGL, SSC GD, CHSL, UPSC, Defence Exams, and other competitive exams. The best way to learn the concept of One Word Substitution is to learn by framing sentences or visualising the words through an interesting story.
One-Word Substitution Examples
Let's understand One Word Substitution with a few examples as below-
• This person is a hater of mankind: This person is a misanthrope.
• Her younger son has an extreme fear of dogs: Her son has cynophobia.
• I am interested in the study of ancient things: I am interested in archaeology.
• That boy keeps himself very reserved and conservative: That boy is an introvert.
• She is someone who puts forth an idea that she doesn’t believe: She is a Hypocrite
List of One Word Substitution
The categories of One Word Substitution in English Grammar can be categorised into the following-
- Study-related
- Types of Fear
- Terms-related
- Group/Collection
- Likes/Dislikes
- Government/Political Systems-related
- People/Person
- Profession/Occupation
- Science/Research
- Killing/Death-related
- Sound/Event/Spots
Learn One Word Substitution for each category from the below section and enhance your vocabulary skills.
One Word Substitution Related to Study
One Word Substitution related to Study | |
One Word Substitution | Phrases |
Aviation | Study of flying aero planes |
Astronomy | Study of celestial bodies |
Alchemy | The ancient search for a universal panacea, and of the philosopher’s stone. The medieval version of the study of Chemistry |
Acoustics | Study of sound and sound waves |
Anthropology | The study of the evolution of mankind |
Astronomy | Study of Stars |
Botany | The study of plants |
Biology | Study of Living Things |
Calligraphy | Art related to ornate, good handwriting |
Chronology | The science of time order |
Demography | The study of statistics |
Entomology | Study of science of insects |
Ecology | Study of the relation between the organism and their environment |
Genetics | Study of hereditary, genes and variation in living organisms |
Geology | The study of rocks and soil |
Geography | Mapping of earth and its formation |
Graphology | Study of handwriting |
Gerontology | Study of various aspects of ageing |
Hydraulics | Study of the law of the flow of water and other liquids |
Lexicography | The practice of writing dictionaries |
Numismatics | Study of collection of coins, tokens, paper money etc. |
Ornithology | Study of birds |
Philology | The study of languages |
Palaeography | The study of ancient writing and scriptures |
Psychology | The study of Human Mind |
Psephology | Study of election trends |
Theology | Study of religion |
One Word Substitution related to Types of Fear
One Word Substitution related to Types of Fear | |
One Word Substitution | Phrases |
Ecophobia | Fear of home surroundings |
Zoophobia | Fear of animals |
Claustrophobia | Fear of closed space |
Hydrophobia | Fear of Water |
Bibliophobia | Fear of books |
Xenophobia | Fear or dislike of foreigners |
Necrophobia | Fear of dead body |
Aerophobia | Fear of height |
Ophiophobia | Fear of snakes |
Syngenesophobia | Fear of relatives |
Nomophobia | Fear of being without your mobile phone |
One Word Substitution related to Killing & Manias
One Word Substitution related to Killing & Manias | |
One Word Substitution | Phrase |
Mariticide | The killing of one's husband |
Parricide | The killing of parents |
Genocide | The killing of a whole race |
Infanticide | The killing of a newborn child |
Regicide | The killing of a king |
Homicide | The killing of a human being |
Suicide | The killing of oneself |
Patricide | The killing of a father |
Matricide | The killing of a mother |
Fratricide | The killing of one's brother |
Sororicide | The killing of one's sister |
Uxoricide | The killing of one's wife |
Dipsomania | Morbid compulsion to keep on consuming alcohol |
Kleptomania | Morbid compulsion to steal |
Bibliokleptomania | Morbid compulsion to steal books |
Pyromania | Morbid compulsion to start a fire |
Megalomania | Morbid delusion of power, importance or godliness |
Nymphomania | Morbid, uncontrollable desire on the part of a woman |
Satyromania | Morbid, uncontrollable desire on the part of a man |
Monomania | A person with a one-track mind |
Mythomania | The compulsion to tell lies |
Mania | Madness with an obsession with something |
One Word Substitution related to Things, Events & Places
One Word Substitution related to Things, Events & Places | |
One Word Substitution | Phrase |
Solarium | A place for the sun to enter where one can sunbath |
Aquarium | A glass container in which fish and other water animals can be kept |
Podium | A place for feet or a speaker's platform |
Auditorium | The part of a theatre where people who are watching and listening sit |
Planetarium | An optical device for projecting various celestial images and effects |
Sanatorium | An establishment for the treatment of the chronically ill |
Museum | A place where objects are exhibited |
Deciduous | Trees whose leaves fall every autumn |
Incident | That which falls upon befalls happens |
Accident | That which falls to someone or something |
Occidental | That which falls on the western countries |
Alma Mater | The school or college one attends |
Automobile | A self-moving vehicle |
Automatic | A machine that functions by itself |
Perambulator | A baby carriage |
Ambulance | A carriage for sick people |
One Word Substitution Related to Terms
One Word Substitution related to Terms | |
One Word Substitution | Phrase |
Aeon | Indefinite period of time |
Aesthetics | Appreciation of beauty, by a set of principles. |
Blizzard | Spartan snowstorms with uncontrollable winds |
Bohemian | An eccentric manner of living |
Bonfire | Huge fire for celebration |
Bonsai | Dwarfed varieties of trees and shrubs in pots |
Bonfire | Huge fire for celebration |
Bonsai | Dwarfed varieties of trees and shrubs in pots |
Hinterland | The remote regions of a country which are far away from the rivers |
Imbroglio | Complex situation or a mix-up |
Rejuvenate | Make someone feel young |
Remiss | Not showing enough care and attention |
Kennel | A shelter for a Dog |
Lair | Where wild animals live: |
Mint | A place where coins are made |
Mundane | Ordinary and Dull |
Posthumous | Published after someone’s death |
Pedagogy | The profession of teaching or the approach or style of teaching |
Regalia | The symbols of royalty |
Thearchy | A political system solely based on the government of men by God |
Oath | A person promises to tell the truth in court |
Nascent | Beginning to exist and evolve |
Virtue | Ethically good behaviour one has |
Satire | Humour that describes the weaknesses |
Veer | Changing the direction of one’s path suddenly |
Savour | Enjoy something for an extended time |
Scapegoat | Someone who is wrongly blamed for things that others have done |
Tannery | Space where animal hides are tanned |
Tenacious | Determined to achieve something |
Screech | The sound of Parrots: |
Misnomer | Using a word or name that is inappropriate |
Monarchy | A government that has a monarch as the head |
Grunt | The sound of Camels |
Fiesta | Events manifested by festivities |
Whine | The ranting of a person |
Destitute | People who are extremely poor |
Carte blanche | Absolute freedom to act as one wishes: |
Agnostic | A person who is unsure about God’s existence: |
Agony | Extreme physical or mental sufferings |
Aikido | Japanese form of self-defence with the usage of locks holds |
Mercenary | A soldier who fights for the sake of money |
Laurel | An accolade or honour bestowed in recognition for an achievement: |
Immoral | A person who behaves without moral principles |
Impeach | Charging a politician with a serious crime |
Embargo | Government instructions that limit trade in some way |
Fatalist | Believer of fate |
Gregarious | Loves being social and enjoys the company of others |
Grove | Trees grow without underbrush. |
Sinecure | An office with a high salary but no work |
Renegade | A person who betrays and descents an organisation or country |
Fastidious | One who is much concerned about details and accuracy |
Arsenal | A place for storage of arms and ammunition |
Excommunicate | One who is expelled from a religious community |
Glutton | A person who eats too much |
Immitable | Something which can be copied |
One Word Substitution Related to People/Person
One Word Substitution Related to People/Person | |
One Word Substitution | Phrase |
Eisoptrophile | A person who is addicted to seeing oneself in mirror |
Gastronome | A person who loves food and finds pleasure in eating and drinking |
Chrematophile | A person who loves money |
Oneirophile | A person who loves dream |
Anuptaphile | A person who loves staying single |
Melophile | A person who loves music |
One Word Substitution Related to Government
One Word Substitution Related to Government | |
One Word Substitution | Phrase |
Bureaucracy | Government by Officials |
Autocracy | Government by one person with absolute power |
Meritocracy | Government by the intelligentsia |
Democracy | Government by elected representatives |
Confederacy | The union of states, parties or persons |
Plutocracy | Government by rich people |
Aristocracy | Government by the nobles |
Theocracy | Government by Divine Laws |
Monarchy | Government by one person (royal) |
Diarchy | Government by two agencies |
Oligarchy | Government by a few powerful people |
Stratocracy | Government by military class |
Anarchy | Absence of Government |
One Word Substitution Related to Likes and Dislikes
One Word Substitution Related to Likes and Dislikes | |
One Word Substitution | Phrase |
Sycophant | One who is a boot licker, flatterer |
Gourmet | One who has keen interest in food and drinks |
Philanthropy | Love for mankind |
Bibliophile | Someone who loves collecting books |
Anglophile | One who loves and admires the British |
Philanderer | One who loves without seriousness |
Philogyny | Fondness towards women |
Androphile | One who loves men |
Philosopher | One who loves wisdom (hence pursues it) |
Misandrist | One who hates men |
Andromania | Madness or obsession with males |
Misogynist | One who hates women |
Misanthropist | One who hates mankind |
Patriot | One who loves his country |
Super patriotism | Excessive love for one's country |
Misogamist | One who hates marriage |
Loquacious | One who loves to speak |
Antipathy | Strong, deep dislike |
Sympathy | Simultaneously affected by similar feelings |
Empathy | Mentally identifying oneself with other person or a thing |
Pathetic | Something or someone makes you feel deep sadness or pity |
One Word Substitution Related to Religion
One Word Substitution Related to Religion | |
One Word Substitution | Phrases |
Atheist | One who doesn't believe in the presence of God |
Monotheist | One who believes in the theory of only one God |
Theist | One who believes in the presence of God |
Polytheist | One who believes in many Gods |
Pantheist | One who believes that God is union of all forces of the universe |
Theomania | Religious madness |
Theomachy | Battle among the Gods |
One Word Substitution Related to Marriage
One Word Substitution Related to Marriage | |
One Word Substitution | Phrases |
Matrimony | Related to marriage |
Sologamy | Marriage with self |
Monogamy | Practising only one marriage (having only one wife) |
Bigamy | Practising two marriages (having two wives) |
Polygamy | The practice of several marriages (having many wives) |
Autogamy | Self-fertilization especially in plants |
Endogamy | Marriage within one's tribe |
Exogamy | Marriage outside one's tribe |
Polyandry | Having several husbands |
One Word Substitution Related to Speech & Written Work
One Word Substitution Related to Speech & Written Work | |
One Word Substitution | Phrase |
Omnibus | Book containing all the published work of an author |
Telegraph | A written message from far off place |
Colloquial | Informal, less grammatically rigid language |
Circumlocution | Talking around, a method of talking indirectly |
Magniloquent | Generous, forgiving talk |
Eloquent | Expressive in the use of words |
Grandiloquent | High sounding pompous speech or writing |
Autograph | A signature of a celebrity (signature of oneself) |
Preamble | Walk before-hand or an introductory statement |
Biography | Writing of one's life story |
Autobiography | Writing of one's own life story |
Photograph | Written by light |
Laconic | Few words packed with meaning, concise |
Soliloquy | A speech to oneself, alone |
One Word Substitution for Govt Exams
Most of the SSC exam consists of 2 tiers of examinations. In tier 1, there is a total of 25 questions in English. Out of these 25 questions, 3-4 questions are exclusively asked about this topic. In the Tier-2 examination, out of 200 questions, 6-7 questions are asked on this topic only. So this becomes an important scoring topic for the SSC CGL, CHSL, JE, MTS, CPO and other examinations.
One-word Substitution Questions
Q1. Open to more than one interpretation; not having one obvious meaning.
(a) trite
(b) opposite
(c) exceptional
(d) ambiguous
Answer- Ambiguous means having or expressing more than one possible meaning, sometimes intentionally.
Q2. Become apparent through the appearance of symptoms.
(a) manifest
(b) distinct
(c) vague
(d) divulged
Answer- Manifest means clear or obvious to the eye or mind.
Q3. based on random choice or personal whim
(a) auxiliary
(b) arbitrary
(c) allegory
(d) ambulatory
Answer- Arbitrary: based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system.
Q4. the recently dead person in question
(a) obliviate
(b) deceased
(c) euthanized
(d) reposed
Answer- Euthanized: put an animal to death humanely.
Q5. Liquids forming a homogenous mixture when added together
(a) irascible
(b) crucible
(c) miscible
(d) risible
Answer- Miscible: forming a homogeneous mixture when added together
Q6. To delay or prevent someone or something by obstructing them
(a) to perturb
(b) to impede
(c) to irk
(d) to faze
Answer- impede: delay or prevent
Q7. to treat with cruelty or violence
(a) wrong
(b) abuse
(c) pervert
(d) fault
Answer- abuse: cruel and violent treatment of a person or animal.
Q8. to pilfer or steal (something, especially an item of small value) in a casual way.
(a) to loot
(b) to filch
(c) to rip off
(d) to plunder
Answer- filch means to steal or take surreptitiously in small amounts; pilfer
Q9. to have a strong emotional effect on.
(a) to smother
(b) to yield
(c) to overwhelm
(d) to forfeit
Answer- overwhelm: to have a strong emotional effect on.
Q10. A substance that has no therapeutic effect, is used as a control in testing new drugs.
(a) sedentary
(b) placebo
(c) lax
(d) torpid
Answer- placebo: A placebo is a substance or treatment with no active therapeutic effect
Q11. feeling or showing deep and solemn respect.
(a) pious
(b) reverent
(c) humble
(d) devout
Answer- devout: having or showing deep religious feeling or commitment.
Q12. disgusting and an unpleasant smell.
(a) oops
(b) ouch
(c) darn
(d) rancid
Answer- rancid: smelling or tasting unpleasant as a result of being old and stale.
Q13.A period of time during which a person that might have a disease is kept away from other people so that the disease cannot spread
(a) solitude
(b) seclusion
(c) quarantine
(d) desolate
Answer- quarantine: a state, period, or place of isolation in which people or animals that have arrived from elsewhere or been exposed to the infectious or contagious disease are placed.
Q14. to move hurriedly with short quick steps
(a) to scurry
(b) to skim
(c) to whirl
(d) to zip
Answer- Scurry: move hurriedly with short quick steps.
Q15. a person who is not accepted by a social group, especially because he or she is not liked, respected, or trusted
(a) fugitive
(b) vagrant
(c) pariah
(d) tramp
Answer- pariah
Q16. having a sensation of whirling and a tendency to fall or stagger
(a) volatile
(b) wild
(c) reckless
(d) giddy
Answer- giddy
Q17. a rich source of something
(a) antecedent
(b) lode
(c) node
(d) provenience
Answer- lode: a rich source of something.
Q18. to treat with cruelty or violence
(a) wrong
(b) abuse
(c) pervert
(d) fault
Answer- abuse: cruel and violent treatment of a person or animal.
Q19. Relating to or characteristic of hell or the underworld
(a) douse (b) execrable
(c) Elysium (d) infernal
Answer- infernal: relating to or characteristic of hell or the underworld.
Q20. to allay the sorrow or grief
(a) to lament
(b) to console
(c) distress
(d) solace
Answer- Console: to comfort someone at a time of grief or disappointment
How do this One Word Substitution Helps in Different Ways?
One Word Substitutions, also known as “One-Word replacements” or “single-word substitutions” are helpful in several ways:
- Conciseness: They help in expressing complex ideas or concepts in a single word, which promotes clarity and brevity in communications.
- Enhanced Vocabulary: Learning and using one-word substitutions enriches vocabulary by introducing synonyms or specialized terms that may not be widely known.
- Precision: They enable precise communication by capturing specific meanings or nuances that might otherwise require a longer explanation or multiple words.
- Efficiency in Writing: Writers can improve the flow of their writing by avoiding repetition of phrases or long descriptions, thus making their writing more engaging and effective.
- Language Variety: They add variety to language use, making conversations and writing more interesting and diverse.
Parts of Speech in English Grammar | |
Pronoun | Adjective |
Adverb | Preposition |
Verb | Conjunction |
Noun | Idioms & Phrases |
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