Notice Writing in English

Notice writing is a formal type of communication. The purpose of notice writing is to deliver a certain piece of information to a larger group of people. They are generally attached in a common area where the concerned people can read them. It is one of the common and easiest methods of communication with large audiences.

In simple terms: “A notice is a written or printed announcement, giving a warning or information about something, generally pasted or displayed on notice board, to get the people's attention”.

For example, If you have to write a notice to inform a group of people about a football event. All you have to do is inform people about what the event is, the place and date of the event should be mentioned, and sign it off with your designation. So here we will discuss what are the format of notice writing, tips to write the notice, and examples related to it.

Notice Writing Format

Notice writing is the easiest writing piece where students can fetch good marks. Even notice writing has a particular format as during evaluation marks are allotted even on the format. Below are the points of concern that make your notice writing best among others-

  • Name of the Organisation – The first thing to mention is the name of the organization/school/college from where the notice is being issued. This would help people identify who has published or put out the notice.
  • Title – The title in notice writing should be the word “NOTICE” itself. This is to know the readers that they are about to read a ‘Notice’.
  • Heading – The heading of the notice refers to the subject matter of the notice. In the heading, the students have to write in short about what the notice is all about.
  • Date – The next essential thing that you should keep in mind while drafting the notice is to write the date. The date helps to understand the readers when the notice was issued.
  • Body – The body contains the main part of the notice. But one must keep in mind that the body of the notice should be brief and informative. Only the essential information should be written in the body, which is usually written in the passive voice.
  • Name, Signature, and Designation – The notice ends with your name, the signature of the person who composes the notice, and their designation (which should be in capital letters). It helps the readers to understand who has issued the authority of the notice.

Notice Format

Below is a template of the notice format of how it is to be written.

                                                              (Name of the Entity/ Organisation Issuing the Notice)



(Heading of the Notice)                               


                                                                                   (Body of the notice)






Important Tips for Notice Writing Class 12

  1. Stick to the specified word limit of 50 words.
  2. Write the word NOTICE at the top.
  3. Use the passive voice.
  4. Use the third person.
  5. Use the formal style of writing.
  6. Personal pronouns should not be used.
  7. The name and place of the school, organization, or office issuing the notice should be written on the top.
  8. Give an appropriate heading.
  9. Write the date on which the notice is issued.
  10. To whom notice is written should be mentioned clearly.
  11. The purpose of the notice should be mentioned.
  12. Mention all the relevant details ( such as date, venue, and time).
  13. Signature, name, and designation of the person issuing the notice.
  14. Notice should be in the box.

Examples of Notice Format Class 12

Take a look at how exactly a notice format is written which would give you a clearer idea of how it is done. So, here is a few examples that you can refer to while drafting a notice on your own so that your notice would be the best one.

Notice Writing for Class 12, Sample 1

If you are the Head Boy/Head Girl of a school, and you have to issue a notice about a meeting for the Sports Competition Annual Day function, here is how you can do it. The notice has been drafted for you.

                                                                         Delhi Public School, Vadodara, Gujarat




Meeting for Annual Day Programme


Our school will be Organizing Sports Competition on its 30th Annual Day on 25th September 2022. Students who want to take part in the Annual Day are requested to report at the Auditorium Hall tomorrow (26th May 2022) at 12:30 p.m., i.e., after the lunch break.



Signature of the Head boy/Head girl


Notice Writing for Class 12, Sample 2

You are the President of the Gokul Society, and you are planning a New Year’s Eve celebration in your neighbourhood. Prepare a notice informing your neighbour of the function. 

                                                                  Gokul Society Residents Association


Date: 24-12-2022

New Year’s  Eve Celebration

On December 31, 2022, the Gokul Society Residents Association will organize a big New Year’s Eve celebration in the colony. The event will begin at 7 p.m. Residents of the society are invited to participate in the activities and make it a big party. Furthermore, Everyone is compelled to wear masks at all times throughout the festivities. We will also ensure that all COVID-19 precautions are performed which includes sanitization of the location.

Mr Kamlesh


President of ABC Society Residents Association

Notice Writing for Class 12, Sample 3

As a Principal, you have been asked to draft notice on the upcoming parent-teacher conference, here is an example to help you write a good one.

                                                                     Stella Maris Convent School, Mangalore



Parent-Teacher Conference


The Parent-Teacher Conference will be held on the 23rd of August, 2022. It is mandatory for all parents of Standard 10 students to attend the conference. The conference will be for two hours (10 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.) All parents are requested to assemble in the Main Auditorium by 9:45 a.m.


Signature of the Principal


Stella Maris Convent School, Mangalore

Notice Writing for Class 12, Sample 4

You are Anu/Rahul, head girl/boy of Carmel Convent School. Your school is going to organize an inter-school singing competition. Write a notice for your school notice board inviting the names of all the interested students.

                                                                              Carmel Convent School


24 August 2022


Our school is organizing an Inter-school Singing Competition on August 29, 2022; Monday at 12 pm in the school auditorium. More than 20 schools from all over the city will participate. Interested students may contact the undersigned latest by August 25, 2022.



Head girl/boy

Carmel Convent School

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Notice Writing: FAQs

Ans. Notice writing is a formal type of communication. The purpose of notice writing is to deliver a certain piece of information to a larger group of people

Ans. The purpose of notice writing is to deliver a certain piece of information to a larger group of people

Ans. A good notice should clearly express its purpose, terms, and any information or other features. It must also be brief and comprehensive. The message must also be clear and without any errors in spelling and grammar.

Ans. Notice writing is the easiest writing piece where students can fetch good marks. Following things are to be written in a notice such as Name of school/organization/Institution, etc., Title, Heading, Date, Body, Name, Signature, Designation.

Ans. Notices are usually posted in public places, educational institutions, government offices, and newspapers.