The recruitment of teachers for government-funded schools will be based on the Maha TAIT Exam  and it is conducted by Maharashtra State Council of Examination (MSCE). The article given below contains a detailed look-through of the Maha TAIT Syllabus 2025 which will help the candidates prepare better for the upcoming exam.

Maha TAIT Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2025

Maha TAIT Exam is a state-level exam that is conducted every year to recruit teachers for the Primary and Secondary sections. Maha TAIT 2025 Exam will commence in the online exam to fill the vacancies of 30000 teaching posts. The overall view of the Maha TAIT Syllabus 2025 has been discussed below-

MahaTAIT Syllabus 2025: Overview
Exam Conducting BodyMaharashtra State Council of Examination (MSCE)
Exam NameMaharashtra Teacher Aptitude and Intelligence Test (Maha TAIT)
Post Names
  1. Primary Teacher
  2. Secondary Teacher
Application ModeOnline
No. Of Questions200
Nature of the QuestionsObjective Type
Mode of ExamOnline

Maha TAIT Exam Pattern 2025

Maha TAIT 2025 exam will consist of 200 questions in total which make 120 questions from the aptitude section and 80 questions from the Intelligence section. Each of the questions will carry 1 mark and there will be no negative marking. The candidates will have the option of choosing the language medium of the paper between English and Marathi or English and Urdu.

Maha TAIT Exam Pattern 2025
SubjectNo. Of QuestionsMarks

Maha TAIT  Subject Wise Exam Pattern 2025

Maha TAIT 2025 Exam pattern could be further classified into different subjects. Aptitude and Intelligence are the main subjects of Maha TAIT Exam but it is mainly composed of sections like Marathi language, English language, General knowledge, Child Psychology and Pedagogy, Mathematics and Intelligence. The exam pattern of the further division of questions has been given below-

Maha TAIT  Subject wise Exam Pattern 2025
SubjectsNo. of QuestionsMarks
English Language1515
Marathi Language1515
General Knowledge3030
Child Psychology and Pedagogy3030
Quantitative Aptitude3030
Reasoning Ability8080

Maha TAIT Syllabus 2025

200 questions all together would be asked in the Maha TAIT Exam 2025 which will be based on different sections of Aptitude and Intelligence. There will be no negative marking in the exam which proves to be a sigh of relief for the appearing students. The detailed syllabus of Aptitude and Intelligece has been clipped below-

Maha TAIT Syllabus 2025 for Aptitude

Syllabus of Maha TAIT 2025 Aptitude section will comprise of questions from the following areas-

  1. Mathematical Ability
  2. Reasoning Ability
  3. Speed and Accuracy
  4. Marathi Language Ability
  5. Adjustment/Personality
  6. English Language Ability
  7. Inclination/Interest
  8. Spatial Ability

Maha TAIT Syllabus 2025 for Intelligence

Maha TAIT Syllabus 2025 Intelligence section will comprise of questions from the following areas-

  1. Comprehension
  2. Classification
  3. Sign Language
  4. Rhythmic Arrangement
  5. Correlation
  6. Code Question
  7. Order Range/Hierarchy

Maha TAIT Subject wise Syllabus 2025

Aptitude and reasoning sections get further classified into different subjects which hold a good proportion of questions to be asked in the Maha TAIT Exam. Maha TAIT 2025 Exam will consist of subjects such as general knowledge, english language, quantitative aptitude, marathi language, Reasoning Ability and Child  Psychology and Pedagogy. The type of questions to be asked from all these sections in the Maha TAIT Exam 2025 has been discussed below-

Maha TAIT Subject Wise Syllabus 2025
English Language
  1. Grammar (Synonyms, Antonyms, Spelling, Punctuation, Tense, Voice, Narration, Article, Question Tag)
  2. Vocabulary (Use of Idioms and Phrases and their meaning, Expressions)
  3. Fill in the blanks in the sentence
  4. Simple Sentence structure (Error, Types of Sentence)
Marathi Language
  1. मराठी व्‍याकरण (वाक्‍यरचना, शब्‍दार्थ, प्रयोग, समास, समानार्थी शब्‍द , विरुद्धार्थी शब्‍द)
  2. मुहावरों और मुहावरों का वाक्यों में प्रयोग, शब्दावली
  3. प्रसिद्ध पुस्तकें और लेखक
General KnowledgeSubject books from class 8 to 12
Child Psychology and Pedagogy
  1. Principles of child development
  2. multi-dimensional intelligence
  3. Piaget
  4. Kohlberg and Vygotsky's theories,
  5. learning-teaching process,
  6. children with special needs, their characteristics, school interaction,
  7. Characteristics of a good teacher,
  8. teaching methods of various subjects, assessment methods
Quantitative Aptitude
  1. Number Series
  2. Solving Terminology
  3. Ratio and Proportion
  4. Partnership
  5. Time-work-speed
  6. Average, Profit-Loss
  7. Simple and Compound Interest
  8. Currency
  9. Measurement
Reasoning Ability
  1. Comprehension
  2. classification
  3. correlation
  4. hierarchy
  5. reasoning and inference
  6. code questions
  7. sign language
  8. rhythmic arrangement
Maha TAIT Syllabus 2025: FAQs

Ans. The total marks for Maha TAIT 2025 would be 200.

Ans. The candidates will have 2 hours in their hands.

Ans. There are two sections Aptitude and Reasoning.