What is the full form of IAS?

IAS Full Form

One of the most esteemed positions in the central government of India is owned through Civil services. The Union Public Service Commission is engaged in appointing personnels at this level. UPSC IAS being the most demanded of all the civil services position, we are providing here its details including its full form and related information. IAS full form is Indian Administrative Services. From 1922 onwards the Indian Civil Service Examination began to be held in India also, first in Allahabad and later in Delhi with the setting up of the Federal Public Service Commission. Considering its difficulty level and the competitiveness, the exam has been a huge attraction for graduates. IAS is one of the important parts of UPSC All India Services. Offering key positions with the government, IAS exam qualification in itself comes with the enormous responsibility for taking care & safeguarding law and order. Even though the post and role of the IAS officer is significant and influential, the officers get paid well with good perks too.

IAS Full Form in Hindi

IAS Full Form in Hindi - भारतीय प्रशासनिक सेवा

आईएएस फुल फॉर्म - भारतीय प्रशासनिक सेवा

IAS Ka Full Form - Indian Administrative Service

Becoming an IAS- Full Form, Roles and More

The position of IAS is not an easy one to grab. Candidates sometimes take years to qualify the exam and very few have been able to crack the exam in the first attempt. It does take a lot of hardwork and determination. As the IAS full form imply Indian Administrative Services, the role is eminent in all its duties and responsibilities.

1. Maintaining Law and order and general administration to improve the nation's day to day affair

2. Overlooking policies and decision making

3. Allocation of funds and its management in proper manner

4. Managing Public Sector Undertakings(PSUs)


Following are the field positings held by IAS Officer:

1. SDM, Joint Collector, Chief Development Officer (CDO)

2. District Magistrate, District Collector or Commissioner

3. Divisional Commissioner

Performing all these important duties gives a good pay and powerful position too. The Apex Scale is ₹ 80,000 (fixed)

Above Super Time Scale: ₹ 67,000-80,000

Super Time Scale: ₹37,400-₹67,000 plus grade pay of₹ 10000

Selection Grade: ₹37,400-₹67,000 plus grade Pay of ₹8700

Junior Administrative Grade: ₹15,600-₹39,100 plus grade pay of ₹7600

Senior Time Scale: ₹15,600-₹39,100 plus grade pay of ₹6600

Junior Time Scale: ₹15,600-₹39,100 plus grade pay of ₹5400

Besides a good salary scale, the IAS Officers are offered the following perks including:

1. Government accomodation

2. In house cooks, gardeners

3. Vehicular facilities

4. Reimbursement of Mobile, internet and telephone charges

5. Monthly pension after retirement

A basic graduate degree is all what is required to become eligible for appearing in the any Civil Services exam, IAS, IPS and IFS being the prominent ones. Where IAS meaning (full form) has been well discussed above, IPS stands for Indian Police Services and IFS stands for Indian Forest Services. All the three positions are quiet illustrous and noteworthy. These officers are looked upon as nation's strength when it comes to daily affairs as well as in critical situations. Their service towards the nation is remarkable and impactful. It is a big deal to crack the three stages of the exam, where not only logical and mental ability is tested but where the personality test is also taken for judging all characteristics, including the understanding the analytical and situation handling skills is assessed.

Hoping that the information regarding the full form of IAS and other relevant details were useful. Keep yourself updated with other exams through careerpower.in.

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IAS Full Form: FAQs

Q. What is the full form of IAS?

Ans. IAS stands for Indian Administrative Service.

Q. What is the full form of IAS in hindi?

Ans. भारतीय प्रशासनिक सेवा is the full form IAS in hindi.

Q. What is the full form of IPS?

Ans. The full form IPS is Indian Police Services.

Q. What is the full form of IFS?

Ans. The full form IFS is Indian Forest Services.