Food Corporation of India (FCI) is going to conduct the examination of Assistant Grade III for various departments, including General, Accounts, Technical & Depot, and Junior Engineer (JE). To enhance their understanding of the FCI exam, candidates are advised to solve previous year papers. This practice enables individuals to familiarize themselves with the exam's question pattern, identify knowledge gaps, and refine their problem-solving skills. Regular practice with previous year papers will help in their preparation.

FCI Assistant Grade 3 Previous Year Question Papers

The FCI Assistant Grade 3 previous year papers serve as a valuable resource for candidates, providing insight into the types of questions that may appear on the upcoming examination. By practicing with these papers, individuals can substantially enhance their confidence, achieve higher scores, familiarize themselves with the exam question pattern, enhance their confidence and problem-solving skills, identify weak areas, and focus on improvement. 

FCI Assistant Grade 3 Previous Year Question Papers PDF

The FCI Assistant Grade III Online Exam consists of two phases: Phase I and Phase II. The Phase 1 online test is common for all candidates across various profiles and will be conducted in both Hindi and English. Phase I of FCI Assistant Grade 3 consists of 100 questions for 100 marks. Only those candidates who qualify Phase I will be eligible to appear for the Phase 2 exam. FCI Assistant Grade III Syllabus covers subjects like English Language, Reasoning Ability, Numerical Aptitude, etc. To facilitate effective revision, we have shared the PYQs for Assistant Grade 3 in PDF forms.

FCI Assistant Grade 3 Recruitment 2025 Notification - Click to Check

FCI Assistant Grade III Previous Year Question Papers-2022 

The PYQs for Assistant Grade III 2022 are given in pdf forms.

FCI Assistant Grade III Previous Year Question Papers: 2015

FCI Assistant Grade III Previous Year Question Papers for different zones are given below.

FCI Assistant Grade III Previous Year Question Papers: 2012

Previous Year Question Papers of FCI Assistant Grade III for Paper 1, Paper 2, and Paper 3 are given in the PDF forms.

FCI Assistant Grade III Previous Year Question Papers: 2010

FCI Assistant Grade III PYQs for Hindi and English are given below.

FCI Assistant Grade III Selection Process

The selection process for the Food Corporation of India (FCI) Assistant Grade 3 position consists of two stages. 
Phase 1

  • Phase 1 involves a common online exam for all posts, assessing candidates' knowledge in English, reasoning, general studies, and numerical ability. This phase is qualifying in nature, and the marks obtained will not be considered for the final merit list

Phase 2

  • Phase 2 entails a post-wise exam, divided into two papers: Paper I and Paper II. All candidates are required to appear for Paper I, while certain posts also necessitate the completion of Paper II. The final merit list will be determined based on the marks scored in both papers for specific posts and only Paper I for other posts

Preparation Tips for the FCI Assistant Grade III 

To optimize their preparation, candidates are advised to supplement paper practice with strategic planning. 

1. Exam Pattern Familiarization: Understand the exam structure, subject composition, and mark allocation.
2. In-Depth Syllabus Understanding: Familiarize yourself with the covered subjects and topics.
3. Weak Area Identification: Focus on strengthening your knowledge gaps.
4. Current affairs updates: enhance your general knowledge.
5. Writing skill development: refine your writing abilities.
6. Regular mock test practice: analyze performance and address weaknesses.
7. Study Plan Development: Allocate time for each subject based on individual strengths and weaknesses.

FCI Assistant Grade 3 Syllabus 2025 and Exam Pattern- Click Here

FCI Assistant Grade 3 Previous Year Question Papers-FAQs

Ans. The basic salary of FCI Assistant Grade 3 Rs. 28,200 while the gross salary is Rs. 46,925.

Ans. For the General, Technical, Depot, and Accounts posts of AG 3, the minimum and maximum age limits for the unreserved or general category are 18 years and 27 years, respectively.

Ans. Candidates who will clear their examination will be selected as management trainee and will undergo training for six months.

Ans. The link to download FCI Assistant Grade 3 PYQs is mentioned in the article.