Important Exams
The title of Father of Physics is not Given to the single individual. Issac Newton, Albert Einstein and Galileo Galilei are known as the Father of Physics. Physics is a branch of Science that deals with the study of natural phenomena that are prevalent in the nature. All the human beings have contributed in the process of understanding the natural phenomenon like fire, wheel, etc. so, there is no single answer of this question, but if we consider the most important changes done by individual than there are three scientist whose discovery help the mankind a lot in understanding the natural phenomenon happening in the universe.
He is considered the Father of Physics. He is one of the greatest mathematicians and scientists of all time, Newton is famous for his law of gravitation and three laws of motion. Various important concepts and formulas in Physics are based on his principles. His contribution to physics has formed the basis of our understanding of engineering, mechanics, the universe as a whole, among many other fields of study.
Three laws of motion state that:
Objects in motion stay in motion unless acted upon by an external force,
Force is equal to the product of mass and acceleration,
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
He is known as the Father of Modern Physics. Albert Einstein is recognized for a multitude of contributions to mathematics and physics. The most notable of Einstein's achievements are his general theory of relativity, the mass-energy equivalence formula (e=mc^2), and his discovery of the photoelectric effect.
Galileo made a remarkable contribution to observational astronomy. His theoretical and experimental work based on the motion of bodies, contributed in devising important concepts of Physics. His accomplishments include the telescopic confirmation of the phases of Venus, the discovery of Jupiter’s four largest moons (Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto), and his observation of sunspots. He is one of the the first scientists who understood sound frequency. He put forth the basic principle of relativity regarding there being no absolute rest or absolute motion. This provided the basis for Newton’s laws of motion and was integral to Einstein’s theories of relativity.
Q 1. Who is the Father of Physics?
Ans. Issac Newton is the Father of Physics.
Q 2. Who is the Father of Modern Physics?
Ans. Albert Einstein is the Father of Modern Physics.
Q 3. Who is the Father of Observational Physics?
Ans. Galileo Galilei is the Father of Observational Physics.
Q 4. What is the important contribution of Newton?
Ans. Issac Newton give theory of relativity and theory of gravitation.
Q 5. What is the contribution of Albert Einstein?
Ans. Albert Einstein give theory of relativity, mass-energy relation and photoelectric effect.