ESIC SSO Recruitment 2023: Employees' State Insurance Corporation will be releasing ESIC SSO Notification 2023 for filling vacancies for Social Security Officer/Manager Gr. II/Superintendent for eligible graduate candidates. The candidates are going to be selected through Prelims, Mains, Computer Skill Test & Descriptive Test on a regular basis for its offices in various regions. ESIC is an Insurance firm working under the ownership of the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India whose offices are across the country. Read the complete article for more information regarding ESIC SSO Recruitment 2023 for Social Security Officer/Manager Gr. II/Superintendent posts. 

ESIC SSO Notification 2023

The detailed ESIC SSO Notification 2023 PDF will be published at for inviting eligible candidates for vacancies of Social Security Officer/Manager Gr. II/Superintendent. The candidates who are waiting for ESIC SSO 2023 must go through the official ESIC SSO Notification for last year by clicking on the direct link below. 

ESIC SSO Notification PDF [Last Year]- Click to Download

ESIC SSO Recruitment 2023- Overview

Employees' State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) will recruit candidates for their regional offices providing job opportunities for graduated candidates holding the required experience. The candidates who are interested in the ESIC SSO Recruitment 2023 and wants to know the summary for the recruitment process, then refer to the details below-

ESIC SSO Recruitment 2023- Overview
Exam Conducting BodyEmployees' State Insurance Corporation (ESIC)
Post NameSocial Security Officer/Manager Gr. II/Superintendent
VacancyTo be notified
Job CategoryGovt Jobs
Online Application ModeOnline
Apply Online DatesTo be notified
Exam ModeOnline
Job TypeDirect Recruitment
Exam Type
  1. Prelims (Phase-1)
  2. Mains (Phase-2)
  3. Computer Skill Test & Descriptive Test (Phase-3)
Job LocationAcross India
ESIC SSO SalaryRs. 44,900-1,42,400
Official Website

ESIC SSO Recruitment 2023- Important Dates

The complete schedule for ESIC SSO Recruitment 2023 including registration dates and online examination dates will be announced by ESIC at and we have updated the ESIC SSO mains exam date in the below table. 

ESIC SSO 2023: Important Dates
ESIC SSO Recruitment 2023 Notification --
ESIC SSO Online Application Starts--
ESIC SSO Online Application Last Date--
Last Date to Pay the Application fee--
Last Date for Printing Application Form--
ESIC SSO Exam Date 2023 (Phase 1)--

ESIC SSO Vacancy 2023

ESIC will release ESIC SSO Vacancy 2023 along with ESIC SSO Notification 2023. Last year, 93 vacancies were filled through ESIC SSO 2022 for which the category-wise distribution has been tabulated below- 

ESIC SSO Vacancy 2023
No. of vacancies430908240993

ESIC SSO Recruitment 2023 Online Form

Employees' State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) has started accepting online applications from eligible candidates for Social Security Officer/Manager Gr. II/Superintendent posts. The online registration link will be made available at for the time being announced along with ESIC SSO Notification 2023. The candidates can click on the below link and apply online for ESIC SSO Recruitment 2023.

ESIC SSO Apply Online 2023 Link [Inactive]

ESIC SSO Recruitment 2023 Application Fee

The candidates have to pay the required application fee for ESIC SSO Recruitment 2023 which has been categorised as below: 

CategoriesApplication Fee
SC/ST/PWD/ Departmental Candidates, Female Candidates & Ex-ServicemenRs. 250/-
All other categoriesRs. 500/-

Steps to Apply for ESIC SSO Recruitment 2023

The candidates have to submit their online applications forms for ESIC SSO Recruitment 2023 through online mode only. You can directly click on the above link or visit the official website & follow the below steps. 

Step 1. Visit the official website of Employees State Insurance Corporation

Step 2. On the home page, click on the option reading- click on “Recruitments” and then “Click here to Submit Online Application for Recruitment to the Post of SOCIAL SECURITY OFFICER-2023”.

Step 3. You will be redirected to the registration page, now you have to fill in the required details there such as Name, Contact details, etc.

Step 4. To validate your registration process an OTP will be sent to your registered mobile no., you just have to fill that OTP on the ESIC portal.

Step 5. After confirming the registration process, you will be able to fill out the ESIC SSO application form. Here you have to fill in the required details.

Step 6. To complete your application process, candidates have to pay their application fees.

Step 7. Upload the required documents as per the size & dimensions in the application form. 

Step 8. After completing the application process, candidates have to download the application form and also have to need to take a printout of the application form for the further examination process.

ESIC SSO 2023 Eligibility 

To be eligible to apply for ESIC SSO Recruitment 2023, the candidates must fulfil the required eligibility criteria which have been detailed in the ESIC SSO Notification 2023. The education qualification & age limit will be considered as on the closing date for receipt of applications.

ESIC SSO Nationality 

A candidate willing to apply online for ESIC SSO Recruitment 2023 must be one of the following as per the ESIC SSO Recruitment Notification PDF:

  1. a citizen of India, or
  2. a subject of Nepal, or
  3. a subject of Bhutan, or
  4. a Tibetan refugee who came over to India, before the 01st January 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India, or
  5. a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African Countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania

ESIC SSO Education Qualification

1. The candidate should have completed their Graduation from a recognised University or equivalent

2. He/she should have a working knowledge of computers including the use of Office suites and databases.

ESIC SSO Age Limit 

The candidate should be under the age limit of 21 to 27 years to be eligible to apply for ESIC SSO Recruitment 2023.

Age Relaxation to Upper Age Limit

CategoryAge Relaxation Permissible
SC/ST5 years
OBC3 years
PWD(i) UR- 10 years
(ii) OBC- 13 years
(iii) SC/ST- 15 years
Ex-servicemen(i) UR- 3 years (*)
(ii) OBC- 6 years (*)
(iii) SC/ST- 8 years (*)
(*) after deduction of the military service rendered from the actual age
ESIC Employee/ Government Servant who have rendered not less than 3 years 
regular and continuous service as on the closing date for receipt of application
(i) UR- upto 40 years
(ii) OBC- upto 43 years
(iii) SC/ST- upto 45 years
Note- Applicant should continue to have the status of ESIC/ Govt. servant 
till the time of appointment, in the event of his/her selection.
Other categories of personsIn accordance with the instructions and orders of Govt. of India issued from time to time

ESIC SSO Professional Experience

The candidate is eligible to apply for ESIC SSO 2023 if he/she has completed a minimum of three years’ service in a Government Organization or Corporation or Government Undertaking Local bodies or Scheduled Bank etc.

ESIC SSO 2023 Selection Process

The selection process for the ESIC SSO Recruitment 2023 will be a three-tier selection process. The candidates who qualify in Tier - I Examination will then have to appear for the next tier. All candidates who clear the second tier will then have to give the third and this will be the final selection process for shortlisting the eligible candidates for vacancies. The three phases are given as:

  1. Phase-I (Prelims)
  2. Phase-II (Mains)
  3. Phase-III (Computer Skills and Descriptive type test)

ESIC SSO Exam Pattern 2023

The Phase-I (Prelims) examination will be an objective type test which will be for 60 minutes. Check the below table for detailed information. 

ESIC SSO Phase-I Prelims Exam Pattern

  1. Phase-I or Prelims stage is qualifying in nature but will not be counted while preparing the final merit list.
  2. For every wrong answer, 1/4th (0.25 marks) of the assigned marks will be deducted.
  3. There are three sections with 100 Multiple Choice Questions for 1 mark each.
  4. There is a sectional timing of 20 minutes for each section.
  5. Except questions from the English language will be bilingual.
ESIC SSO Phase-I Prelims Exam Pattern 2023
Name of the Test (Objective Tests)Number of questionsMax marksDuration 
English Language303020 minutes
Reasoning Ability353520 minutes
Quantitative aptitude 353520 minutes
Total 10010060 minutes

ESIC SSO Exam Pattern 2023 for Phase 1, 2 & 3 [Click Here]

ESIC SSO 2023 Syllabus  

There will be questions from various sections, such as the English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, General Awareness etc. Some of the topics from various sections are given below. Candidates can click on the below link for ESIC SSO Syllabus 2023 for each stage and plan their preparation strategy as per the syllabus. 

ESIC SSO Prelims Syllabus 2023
English LanguageReasoning AbilityQuantitative Aptitude
  1. Synonyms
  2. Homonyms
  3. Antonyms
  4. Spelling
  5. Word formation
  6. Idioms and phrases
  7. Fill in the suitable words
  8. Grammar
  9. Spotting errors
  10. Sentence correction
  11. Active/ passive voice
  12. Phrases and idioms
  13. Direct and indirect speech
  14. Reading Comprehension
  15. Passage completion
  16. Theme detection
  17. Deriving conclusion
  18. Rearrangement of passage
  1. Analogy
  2. Classification
  3. Word formation
  4. Statement and conclusions
  5. Syllogism
  6. Statement and assumptions
  7. Statement and arguments
  8. Coding decoding
  9. Blood relations
  10. Passage and conclusions
  11. Alphabet test
  12. Series test
  13. Number, ranking and time sequence
  14. Direction sense test
  15. Decision-making test
  16. Figure series
  17. Input/output
  18. Assertion and reasoning
  19. Sitting arrangement
  20. Odd figure out
  21. Analogy
  22. Series test
  23. Miscellaneous test
  1. Percentages
  2. Ratio and proportion
  3. Averages
  4. Mixture and allegation
  5. Time and work
  6. Speed, distance and time
  7. Stocks and shares
  8. Partnership
  9. Clocks
  10. Volume and Surface Area
  11. Height and Distances
  12. Logarithms
  13. Permutation and combinations
  14. Simple and compound interest
  15. Equations
  16. Probability
  17. Trigonometry
  18. Profit, loss and discount
  19. Mensuration
  20. Elements of algebra
  21. Data Interpretation

ESIC SSO Syllabus 2023 for Phase 1 & 2 [Click Here]

ESIC SSO 2023 Salary

The candidates after being placed will be paid according to the 7th Central Pay commission and for Level- 7 of Pay Matrix (Civilian employees) with Entry Pay Rs 44,900/-. The approximate in-hand salary of the ESIC SSO Officer is Rs. 76,774 after all deductions.  The officers will also be eligible for DA, HRA, TA, and other allowances as per the rules from time to time.

ESIC SSO Salary 2023- Click Here

ESIC SSO Recruitment 2023 Admit Card 

ESIC will issue ESIC SSO Admit Card separately for each phase on the official website The candidates have to download their ESIC SSO Admit Card 2023 through online mode only as no hardcopy or mail/sms will be sent to the candidates. 

ESIC SSO Admit Card Details

Check the steps to download ESIC SSO Call Letter from here-

  1. Visit the official website of ESIC.
  2. Click on the link stating “Link to Download ESIC SSO Admit card 2023”.
  3. Fill in the required details i.e, Registration number, and password (Date of birth).
  4. Download the ESIC SSO admit card.
  5. Candidates must take a printout of the admit card for further use.

ESIC SSO Recruitment 2023 Result

Employees' State Insurance Corporation will announce the names of the candidates who are qualified in each stage of the recruitment process through ESIC SSO Result 2023. The result will be uploaded on the official website and candidates will have to check their qualifying status from there only. The ESIC Result for Prelims, Mains & Computer Skill Test/Descriptive Test will be released separately after conducting of exam of each stage. The final merit list will be prepared on the marks scored in Phase-2 & Phase-3.

ESIC SSO Result- Click to Check Details

ESIC SSO Recruitment 2023 Cut Off

Employees' State Insurance Corporation will be declaring the result as per ESIC SSO Cut Off which is prepared on the determining the number of candidates appearing in the exam, vacancy announced, and difficulty level of the exam. Have a look at the previous year ESIC SSO Cut Off marks from the below table for reference. 

ESIC SSO Prelims Cut Off 2022- Categorywise
CategoriesESIC SSO Cut Off 2022
PWD category B (HI)48.75
PWD category C (LD)60.75
PWD category D & E46.75

ESIC SSO Cut Off [Previous Year]- Click to Check

ESIC SSO Recruitment 2023: FAQs

Ans. No official announcement regarding the release date for ESIC SSO Notification 2023 is released yet.

Ans. The salary ESIC of Social Security Officer ranges between Rs. 44,900-1,42,400.

Ans. The candidates will be selected through Prelims, Mains, Computer Skill Test & Descriptive Test .