ESIC MTS Exam Analysis 2022: ESIC MTS Prelims Exam 2022 is to be conducted today in four shifts for 1948 Multi Tasking Staff vacancies. In this article, we have discussed detailed and accurate ESIC MTS Exam Analysis for Shift 1 held on 07th May 2022. The analysis has been prepared as per the reviews collected by our faculty with interactions with the candidates who have appeared in the 1st shift of the ESIC MTS Prelims Exam. The candidates who have their exams in the upcoming shifts can check section-wise ESIC MTS Prelims Exam Analysis and Questions asked in Shift 1. The question asked in the upcoming ESIC MTS Prelims Exam can be similar to the questions asked in Shift 1 and revolve around this topic.  

ESIC MTS Exam Analysis 2022, 7 May Shift 1

The Prelims Exam of ESIC MTS 2022 consists of four sections i.e. English Language, Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, and General Awareness. Go through the complete ESIC MTS Prelims Exam Analysis 2022 for a better understanding of the pattern & types of questions asked in the examination. As per the applicant's reviews who had appeared in the Shift-1 Exam today, the overall difficulty level of the exam could be analysed somewhere between Easy. 

ESIC MTS Exam Analysis 2022- Shift 1 Good Attempts

After the complete ESIC MTS Exam Analysis is conducted by our faculty, today's shift-1 good attempt and section-wise difficulty level will be updated in the below table. 

SubjectsGood attemptsDifficulty Level
General Intelligence and reasoning20-22Easy
Quantitative Aptitude19-21Easy
General awareness18-20Easy to Moderate
English Comprehension20-22Easy

ESIC MTS Exam Analysis 2022- Sectional Review

Our faculty will gather section-wise ESIC MTS Exam Analysis 2022 of Shift 1 for the candidates asked on 07th May 2022. Below we will be discussing ESIC MTS Prelims Exam Analysis for each section- General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude and English Language. Check from which section how many questions were asked and what type of questions were asked here. These questions are memory-based questions as discussed with the candidates who appeared in the ESIC MTS Prelims Exam. 

ESIC MTS Exam Analysis 2022- Reasoning 

There were 2 sets of puzzles & seating arrangements asked in the ESIC MTS Prelims Exam Shift 1. 

  1. Month Based Puzzle (no variable)- 5 questions
  2. Circular Based Puzzle (6 persons)- 5 questions
TopicsNo. of QuestionsDifficulty Level
Puzzles & Seating Arrangement10Easy 
Alpha Numeric Series (Digit Based)05Easy
Blood Relation03Easy

ESIC MTS Exam Analysis 2022- Quantitative 

There was one Tabular DI (3 questions) asked in ESIC MTS Shift 1 Prelims Exam on 07th May 2022. The questions in the Arithmetic section were asked from Profit and Loss, Mensuration, Train & Speed, Problem on Ages, Partnership, etc

TopicNo. of QuestionsLevel
Data Interpretation03Easy
Arithmetic Word Problems (One liner)10Easy

ESIC MTS Exam Analysis 2022- English

The overall difficulty level of this section was Easy. There was 1 set of reading comprehension with 06-07 questions and the passage was something related to "Monkey". The topic-wise ESIC MTS Exam Analysis for the English section is as such-

Vocabulary- GREAT (Synonyms)

TopicNo. of QuestionsLevel
Reading Comprehension06-07Easy
Sentence Rearrangement05Easy 
Phrase Replacement03-04Easy

ESIC MTS Exam Analysis Shift 1- General Awareness

As per the candidates' reviews, the questions in the General Awareness & GK section asked in the ESIC MTS Prelims Exam of 07th May 2022 were of Easy to Moderate level. A list of a few questions asked in today's shift is as follows- 

  1. Hira Khund related
  2. Tenure of President
  3. 9th Nov. Day
  4. Iron Man of India
  5. India Supreme Court related
  6. World Tobacco Day
  7. Sun Ksherti
  8. Bhakra Nangal Dam Related

ESIC MTS Shift Timings 2022

The ESIC MTS exam timing, reporting timing, and other crucial timings are mentioned below. The candidates who are going to appear for the ESIC MTS exam can check the Exam Timings 2022 from the table below:

EventsShift 1Shift 2Shift 3Shift 4
Reporting Time08:00 am10:30 am01:00 pm03:30 pm
Handwriting Sample8:45 to 8:50 am11:15 to 11:20 am01:45 to 01:50 pm04:15 to 04:20 pm
Exam Start Time09:00 am11:30 am02:00 pm04:30 pm
Exam End Time10:00 am12:30 pm03:00 pm05:30 pm

ESIC MTS Phase-1 Prelims Exam

  1. The prelims examination will be conducted for 200 marks.
  2. A total number of 100 questions will be asked (2 marks for each question).
  3. The duration of the examination will be 1 hour (60 minutes).
  4. A penalty of ¼th mark for each incorrect answer.
S. No.Name of the Test (ObjectiveTests)No. of QuestionsMax. MarksDuration
1General Intelligence and Reasoning25501 hour
(60 minutes)
2General Awareness2550
3Quantitative Aptitude2550
4English Comprehension2550

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ESIC MTS Exam Analysis 2022: FAQs

Ans. As per ESIC MTS Exam Analysis conducted by our faculty, the overall difficulty level was Easy.

Ans. Ans. The level of questions asked from General Awareness section was Easy to Moderate as reviewed by the candidates.

Ans. There were 2 sets of puzzles & seating arrangement asked in Shift 1 of ESIC MTS Exam.

Ans. One Tabular DI was asked in Shift 1 ESIC MTS Prelims Exam.