Class 12 English Sample Paper 2024
English Class 12 Sample Paper: The CBSE has released the English Class 12 Sample Paper for both English Core & English Elective subjects on its official academic website The CBSE Class 12 Sample Papers are released to give an insight to the students about the revised pattern of Class 12 Board Exams. The students can plan their preparation strategy for the English exams with the help of these CBSE Class 12 English Sample Papers and solutions. CBSE has also provided the solutions to the sample papers for which the direct links to download Class 12 English Sample Paper 2024 have been provided in this article.
English Sample Paper for Class 12 Exam
For Class 12 board exams 2024, the board will follow the scheme of English Sample Paper Class 12 as released for English Core & English Elective, and the same are discussed below-
Class 12 English Core: Time duration- 3 hours & Marks- 80.
Class 12 English Elective: Time duration- 3 hours & marks-80.
CBSE Class 12 English Sample Paper PDF
The students who are going to appear in the 12th Board English exam which has been scheduled for 22nd February 2024, must have last minute preparation with English Sample Paper Class 12 released by CBSE. The Class 12 English sample paper 2024 has been set as per the CBSE Class 12 Syllabus & new exam pattern. For your ease, we have provided the direct link to download CBSE Class 12 English Sample Paper PDF along with the solution and marking scheme which was uploaded to
CBSE Class 12th English Sample Paper 2024 PDF | |
Class 12 English Sample Paper [Core] | Solution Link |
Class 12 English Sample Paper [Elective] | Solution Link |
CBSE Class 12 English Sample 2024
1. Read the following text.
Arthur lay in his cabin, still trying to piece together the events of the last few hours. He had watched his home planet of Earth be demolished to make way for a hyperspace bypass, been saved by his friend Ford, and then whisked away on a ship that was powered by an "infinite improbability drive." It was all too much for him.
Just then, Ford stuck his head around the door. "Hey, Earthman," he said, "come and have a look at this." Arthur stumbled after him down a corridor and into the ship's control room. He gazed in amazement at the banks of controls and flashing lights. In the centre of the room was a large console covered in buttons and switches, and in the middle of the console was a small, white mouse.
"What's that?" asked Arthur.
"That's the ship's computer," said Ford.
Arthur stared at the mouse. "That's a computer?"
he said. "Yup," said Ford. "Five-dimensional, biologically-based, super intelligent, and in the form of a white lab mouse. Pretty neat, huh?"
"I don't know," said Arthur. "I don't think I really understand anything anymore. Why is a mouse the ship's computer?" "It's a long story," said Ford. "But the short version is that the mice built the Earth as a giant computer to figure out the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything. Then they ran out of money and had to destroy it to make way for a hyperspace bypass. So now they're using the Heart of Gold to finish the calculation."
Arthur was about to say something, but at that moment the ship's intercom crackled to life.
"Good evening, Heart of Gold," said a smooth, computerized voice. "This is Eddie, your shipboard computer. I'm feeling a bit depressed today. Would you like me to sing you a song?"
"Oh, not again," groaned Ford.
"Eddie, would you mind shutting up?" said Arthur.
Arthur sighed and leaned back against the console, trying to make sense of everything. But as he closed his eyes, he heard a voice inside his head.
"Hello?" it said.
Arthur jumped, startled. "Who's there?" he said.
"It's me," said the voice. "Marvin."
"Marvin?" said Arthur. "Who's Marvin?"
"The Paranoid Android," said the voice.
Arthur looked around, but he didn't see anyone. "Where are you?" he said.
"I'm down here," said the voice
Arthur looked down and saw a small, metal figure shuffling across the floor. It was about three feet tall, with a round head and a body that looked like it had been cobbled together from spare parts. Its eyes were a dull red, and its voice was a monotone.
"I've been waiting for someone to talk to me for over two million years," said Marvin.
Answer the following questions, based on the passage above.
(i) Select the option that classifies Arthur's confusion about drastic events such as the destruction of his home planet and the introduction of new technologies, correctly.
(a) Routine and boredom
(b) Adventure and excitement
(c) Loss and change
(d) Calm and relaxation
Answer- (c) Loss and change
(ii) What is the significance of the white lab mouse in the control room of the Heart of Gold spaceship?
(a) It is the captain of the ship
(b) It serves as the ship's computer
(c) It is a pet of the crew
(d) It is used for scientific experiments
Answer- (b) It serves as the ship's computer
(iii) Share evidence from the text, in about 40 words to support the view that the writer’s writing style is descriptive and humourous.
Answer- Descriptive- "In the center of the room was a large console covered in buttons and switches, and in the middle of the console was a small, white mouse." [This description provides a clear image of the setting and the unconventional form of the ship's computer.]
Humorous- "Oh, not again," groaned Ford. [This line is humorous because it suggests that the ship's computer, Eddie, frequently offers to sing songs and annoy the crew. Ford's reaction of groaning implies that this is a common occurrence and that he's tired of it. The humour comes from the fact that a computer is attempting to sing a song, which is an unexpected and absurd situation.]
(iv) Complete the sentence appropriately with a characteristic or its description.
Based on the information given in the excerpt, one can infer that the mice who built the Earth are ____________.
Answer- ▪ highly intelligent / technologically advanced [they built the Earth as a giant computer]
▪ indifferent to the suffering of other beings [they ran out of money and had to destroy the Earth to make way for a hyperspace bypass.]
(v) Select the option that is similar in meaning to Ford’s expression, “Pretty neat, huh?".
(a) Easy, isn’t it?
(b) Could be worse, no?
(c) Impressive, yes?
(d) Too difficult for you?
Answer- (c) Impressive, yes?
(vi) Explain, in about 40 words, why the name "The Paranoid Android" is considered ironic.
Answer- The name "The Paranoid Android" is ironic because-
▪ it is unexpected for a robot to exhibit human-like emotions such as paranoia.
▪ robots are often thought of as logical and unemotional, whereas the name "paranoid" implies irrational fear and anxiety.
▪ it plays with readers' expectations and stereotypes of robots.
(vii) In the line, “…a body that looked like it had been cobbled together from spare parts…”, what comparison does the word “cobbled” refer to?
Answer- The comparison is with cobblers, who take scraps of leather and stitch them together to create a shoe, in the same way in which the body of Marvin was put together or ‘cobbled’, using spare parts.
(viii) How does the following, impact the reader, even though they know Marvin is just an android?
"I've been waiting for someone to talk to me for over two million years," said Marvin. Answer in about 40 words.
Answer- The comparison is with cobblers, who take scraps of leather and stitch them together to create a shoe, in the same way in which the body of Marvin was put together or ‘cobbled’, using spare parts. This creates a sense of sympathy towards Marvin and also raises questions about the meaning and value of existence, regardless of whether one is organic or synthetic.
(ix) Read the five headlines (a)-(e), given below:
Identify the option that displays the headline/s that DOES/ DO NOT correspond with occurrences in the passage.
(a) Only A
(b) B, C, and D
(c) Only E
(d) A and E
Answer- (b) B, C, and D
Class 12 English Additional Practice Paper 2024
Central Boards of Secondary Education(CBSE) has released the CBSE Class 12 Additional Sample Paper 2023 for English along with the marking scheme for the academic session 2023-24. Students can now download their CBSE Class 12 Additional Sample Papers 2024 for English subjects from the CBSE’s official website i.e.,
CBSE Class 12 English Additional Sample Paper 2024- Click to Check
Steps to download CBSE Class 12 English Sample Paper 2024
Download the CBSE Class 12 Sample Paper by following the below-mentioned steps or directly download CBSE Class 12 English Sample papers from the above link.
Step I- Visit the official website of CBSE Academic @
Step II- Click on the notification appearing in the academic section- “Sample Question Papers of Classes XII Exams 20224”.
Step III- Click on the link under “Sample Papers Class XII”.
Step IV- Search for English (Core & Elective) in the list of “Class XII Sample Question Paper & Marking Scheme for Exam 2023-24” that appears on the screen.
Step V- Click on “SQP” for all the subjects and download the sample paper pdf.
Step VI- Check the marking scheme after attempting the Class 12 sample paper 2024 for English.
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