DRDO CEPTAM 11 2023: Defence Research and Development Organisation, Center for Personnel Talent Management, DRDO-CEPTAM will soon release the DRDP CEPTAM 11 Recruitment 2023 Notification on the official website www.drdo.gov.in. DRDO CEPTAM 11 Recruitment 2023 drive will fill up Senior Technical Assistant-B and Technician-A posts. Go to the below section of the article for important dates, eligibility, selection process, exam pattern, salary and other details.

DROD CEPTAM 11 Notification 2023

DRDO CEPTAM 11 Notification 2023 will be released by Defence Research and Development Organisation has announced to fill vacant posts for Technician-A and Senior Technical Assistant-B. Candidates before applying for the recruitment drive must be aware of all the details and eligibility criteria required. The detailed DRDO Notification PDF will be uploaded on the official website www.drdo.gov.in along with complete details. Click on the below link to check previous year's DRDO CEPTAM Notification. 

DRDO CEPTAM 10 Notification PDF- Click to Download

DRDO CEPTAM 11 2023- Summary

The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) will release the DRDO CEPTAM 11 notification drive for filling vacancies of Senior Technical Assistant-B and Technician-A posts. All the essential details of DRDO CEPTAM 11 Recruitment 2023 will be released along with the notification. The candidates interested in DRDO Recruitment 2023 can go through the below overview table about the details of the recruitment drive. 

DRDO CEPTAM 11 Recruitment 2023- Summary
OrganisationDefence Research and Development Organisation, Center for Personnel Talent Management, DRDO-CEPTAM
PostsTechnician-A and Senior Technical Assistant-B
CategoryGovt Jobs
Application ModeOnline
Registration DatesTo be Notified
Selection ProcessSenior Technical Assistant B- CBT 1 & CBT 2
Technician A- CBT 1 & Trade/Skill Test
SalarySenior Technical Assistant B- Rs. 35400-112400/-
Technician A- Rs. 19900-63200/-
Official websitewww.drdo.gov.in

DRDO Recruitment 2023- Important Dates

DRDO CEPTAM 11 Recruitment 2023 Important dates will be released on the official website https://drdo.gov.in/. Eligible candidates will be able to apply for DRDO Recruitment 2023. The complete schedule for the DRDO CEPTAM 11 Recruitment exam will be tabulated below.

DRDO CEPTAM 11 Recruitment 2023- Important Dates 
DRDO Notification Release Date--
Online Application Start Date--
Last Date To Apply Online--
Last date for submission of the application fee--
Availability of DRDO Admit Card 2023--
DRDO CBT 1 Exam Dates (Tech A)--
DRDO CBT 2 Exam Dates (STA-B)--

DRDO Vacancy 2023

Defence Research and Development Organisation, Center for Personnel Talent Management, DRDO-CEPTAM will release vacancies for Technician-A and Senior Technical Assistant-B posts. Last year 1075 vacancies are reserved for Senior Technical Assistant-B posts and the remaining 826 vacancies are for Technician-A posts. The category-wise DRDO Vacancy 2023 distribution will be released along with DRDO Notification PDF. 

DRDO Vacancy 2022
Senior Technical Assistant-B (STA-B)1075
Technician-A (Tech-A)826
DRDO Vacancy 2022 [Category wise]
Senior Technical Assistant-B (STA-B)474149612591321075
Technician-A (Tech-A)389996619379826

DRDO CEPTAM 11 2023 Apply Online

The online registration dates will be announced along with the release of the DRDO CEPTEM 11 official notification. The DRDO CEPTAM 11 Apply Online Link has will be made available at its official website www.drdo.gov.in. As the link will be activated, we will be providing the direct link below for the candidates interested to apply for DRDO CEPTAM 11 Recruitment 2023. 

DRDO CEPTAM 11 Recruitment 2023 Apply Online Link [Active]

DRDO CEPTAM 11 2023 Application Fee

The candidates have to submit an online application fee required to apply for DRDO CEPTAM 11 Application Process. The fee is to be paid online through credit card/net banking/UPI. The fees once paid will not be refunded. 

CategoryApplication Fee
General/OBC/EWS & Other candidatesRs. 100/-
All Women candidatesExempted

DRDO CEPTAM 11 2023 Eligibility Criteria 

A candidate must be aware of the minimum required qualification to be eligible for the DRDO CEPTAM 11 2023 exam before submitting their application forms. we have also shared here the eligibility criteria in terms of education qualification and age limit.

DRDO CEPTAM 11 2023 Education Qualification 

PostsEducation Qualification
Senior Technical Assistant-B (STA-B)Bachelor’s degree in Science or Diploma in Engineering or Technology or Computer Science or Allied subjects, recognised by AICTE in the following discipline: Automobile, Chemical, Civil, Computer Science, Electrical & Electronics, Electrical, Electronics & Instrumentation, Electronics or Electronics & Comm. Or Electronics Telecomm., Instrumentation, Mechanical, Metallurgy Engg., Agriculture, Botany, Chemistry, Library Science, Mathematics, MLT, Photography, Physics, Printing Technology, Psychology, Textile, Zoology.
Technician-A (Tech-A)10th Class pass or equivalent from a recognised Board or Institute; and (ii) Certificate from a recognised ITI or Certificate of minimum one-year duration from recognised Institution if the ITI do not award Certificate or NTC or NAC in the required discipline in the following Trade: Automobile, Book Binder, Carpenter, CNC Operator, COPA, Draughtsman (Mechanical), DTP Operator, Electrician, Electronics, Fitter, Grinder, Machinist, Mechanic(Diesel), Mill Wright Mechanic, Motor Mechanic Painter, Photographer,Refrigeration & AC, Sheet Metal Worker, Turner, Welder.

DRDO CEPTAM 11 2023 Age Limit

The prescribed age limit for the selected candidates under DRDO CEPTAM 11 Recruitment 2023 is given below-

Minimum Age Limit: 18 Years

Maximum Age Limit: 28 Years

Age Relaxation is Applicable as per Rules.

DRDO CEPTAM 11 2023 Selection Process

The selection process for Senior Technical Assistant-B (STA-B) and Technician-A (Tech-A) has been mentioned in the notification by DRDO CEPTAM. 

DRDO CEPTAM 11  Selection Process
PostsSelection Process
Senior Technical Assistant-B (STA-B)CBT 1 (Screening Test) & CBT 2 (Selection Test)
Technician-A (Tech-A)CBT 1 (Selection Test) & Trade Test/Skill Test

DRDO CEPTAM 11 Recruitment 2023 Exam Pattern

There will be no negative marking for the wrong answers.

DRDO CEPTAM 11 Exam Pattern 2023 for Senior Technical Assistant-B
TierMode of ExamSection NameNo. of QuesMax MarksTime
Tier-ICBT 1 (Screening Test)

Test Common to all Post-Codes

Quantitative Ability/Aptitude
General Intelligence & Reasoning Ability
General Awareness
English Language (Basic Knowledge)
General Science

12012090 minutes
Tier-IICBT 2 (Selection Test)Test Specific to Posts10010090 minutes
DRDO CEPTAM 11 Exam Pattern 2023 for Technician-A  
TierMode of ExamSection NameNo. of QsMax MarksTime
Tier-ICBT for Provisional Selection


  1. Quantitative ability/aptitude
  2. General intelligence & Reasoning ability
  3. General Awareness
  4. English language (basic knowledge)

Section-B: Specific to trade/discipline of post-code

40 (Section-A) + 80 (Section-B)12090 minutes
Tier-IITrade Test (Qualifying in nature )Specific to trade/discipline of postcodeThe Trade test may be of about one to two hours duration

Note- Trade test will be of ITI level in the related trade to test the practical skills of the candidates

DRDO CEPTAM 11 2023 Syllabus

Before preparing for the DRDO CEPTAM 11 Exam, the syllabus should be studied thoroughly so that the candidate has an idea that which part takes more time than the other parts and has to manage the time accordingly. The syllabus for DRDO STA-B is divided into 2 phases and for DRDO Technician A there is only Phase 1 exam.

DRDO CEPTAM 11 Tier I Syllabus 2023

In this section, we updated the DRDO CEPTAM Syllabus 2023 subject-wise for Tier-I Exam.

Subject NameSyllabus Topics Wise
  1. Synonyms
  2. Antonyms
  3. Verb
  4. Tenses
  5. Subject-Verb Agreement
  6. Grammar
  7. Comprehension
  8. Vocabulary
  9. Adverb
  10. Unseen passages
  11. Error Correction
  12. Articles
  13. Fill in the Blanks
  14. Sentence Rearrangement
  15. Idioms & Phrases
General Awareness
  1. Current Affairs (National and International)
  2. Major Financial / Economic News
  3. Budget and Five-Year Plans
  4. Sports
  5. Books and Authors
  6. Awards and Honors
  7. Science – Inventions and Discoveries
  8. Abbreviations
  9. Important Days
  10. International and National Organizations are some related topics
General Intelligence
  1. Blood Relations
  2. Analogy, Directions
  3. Clocks & Calendars
  4. Coding-Decoding
  5. Number Series
  6. Alphabet Series
  7. Arithmetical Reasoning
  8. Non-Verbal Series
  9. Number Rankings
  10. Decision Making
  11. Embedded Figures
  12. Cubes and Dice
  13. Mirror Images etc
  1. Time and Work
  2. Time and Distance
  3. HCF & LCM
  4. Percentages
  5. Profit and Loss
  6. Ratio and Proportions
  7. Simple & Compound Interest
  8. Mixtures & Allegations
  9. Problems on Ages
  10. Number System
  11. Simplification
  12. Data Interpretation
  13. Decimal & Fractions
  14. Average etc

DRDO Syllabus 2023 for Tier 1 & Tier 2- Click to Check


The salary for DRDO Senior Technical Assistant and Technician A will be as per the 7th CPC Pay Matrix along with other benefits as per government norms.

Post NamePay Matrix LevelQualification 
Senior Technical AssistantLevel-6Rs. 35400-112400
Technician ALevel-3Rs. 19900-63200


DRDO CEPTAM 11 Recruitment 2023: FAQs

Ans. DRDO CEPTAM 11 Recruitment 2023 Notification pdf will be released soon on the official website.

Ans. DRDO CEPTAM Vacancy details will be announced along with the notification pdf.

Ans. The candidates should be 10th pass to be eligible to apply for DRDO CEPTAM Technician-A post.

Ans. The full form of DRDO is Defence Research and Development Organisation.