The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) conducts the National Eligibility Test (NET) every year for various subjects, including Chemical Sciences, Earth Sciences, Life Sciences, Mathematical Sciences, and Physical Sciences. CSIR NET determines the eligibility for the Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) and Lectureship position. To prepare well, it is important for the canidates to have a clear idea of the syllabus and CSIR NET Exam Pattern 2025. Read the article to know the exam pattern for all five subjects.

CSIR NET Exam Pattern 2025

Candidates appearing for the CSIR Exam must understand the CSIR NET Exam Pattern 2025. The CSIR UGC NET exam contains multiple choice questions of 200 marks and consists of three parts: A, B, and C. Part A is common to all subjects and tests the general aptitude of the candidates. Part B and C are subject disciplines, and the number of questions differs as per the selected subjects. In this article, the complete exam pattern for every subject has been given in a well-structured format.

CSIR NET Exam Pattern 2025
Conducting BodyCouncil of Scientific Research National Eligibility Test
PapersEarth Sciences, Life Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Mathematical Sciences and Physical Sciences
Total QuestionsChemical Science - 75 out of 120
Life Science - 75 out of 145
Mathematical Science - 60 out of 120
Earth Sciences - 75 out of 150
Physical Science - 55 out of 75
Exam Time3 hours
Total Marks200
Paper LanguageEnglish and Hindi
Total Parts3
Negative markingVaries per subjects

CSIR NET Answer Key 2025 Out - Click to Download

CSIR NET Exam Pattern 2025 Subject-Wise

Before starting preparation for the National Eligibility Test (NET), candidates must be familiar with the CSIR NET Exam Pattern 2025. The exam pattern for NET depends on the subject chosen by the candidates. Each subject has its own exam format, with varying numbers of questions. CSIR exam is conducted for 5 subjects:

  1. Chemical science,
  2. Earth science,
  3. Life science,
  4. Mathematical Science
  5. Physical Science.

CSIR NET Exam Pattern for Chemical Science

Students who want to start a career in chemistry as a Professor or Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) must check the exam pattern for Chemical science. Candidates have to prepare each for all parts. The major subjects covered in the exam are organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, etc. This exam needs a detailed understanding of the subject to score good marks. The exam pattern for Chemical science is as follows.

  • A total of 120 questions will be asked
  • Part A and B- Each question carries 2 marks.
  • Part C- Each question carries 4 marks
  • ¼ marks will be deducted for each incorrect attempt
  • 3 hours will be given to complete the paper
ParticularsPart APart BPart CTotal
Total Questions204060120
Max. number of questions to attempt15352575
Per Question Marks224200

CSIR NET Chemical Science Syllabus 2025 - Click to Check

CSIR NET Exam Pattern for Earth Science

Candidates who are preparing for the CSIR Earth Science must focus on important topics like, Sedimentology, Geochemistry, The Earth and the solar system, Earth’s interior, tectonic plates, deformation, Oceans and atmosphere, etc. Also, the understanding of exam patterns is important and it is explained below.

  • A total of 150 questions will be asked
  • Part A and B- Each question carries 2 marks.
  • Part C- Each question carries 4 marks
  • 25% marks will be deducted for each incorrect attempt and 33% deducted in Part C.
  • 3 hours will be given to complete the paper
ParticularsPart APart BPart CTotal
Total Questions205080150
Max. number of questions to attempt15352575
Per Question Marks224200

CSIR NET Exam Pattern for Life Science

The CSIR NET Life Science exam pattern and marking scheme helps candidates to prepare the study plan for the exam. Topics in the Life Sciences syllabus include Photosynthesis, Molecules and their Interaction Relevant to Biology,  Developmental Biology, System Physiology Plant, System Physiology Animal, Inheritance Biology, Diversity of Life Forms, Cellular Organization, Fundamental Processes, Cell Communication and Cell Signaling etc. The table below provides more details on the exam pattern for better clarity.

  • A total of 145 questions will be asked
  • Part A and B- Each question carries 2 marks.
  • Part C- Each question carries 4 marks
  • 25% marks will be deducted in all parts for each incorrect attempt
  • 3 hours will be given to complete the paper
ParticularsPart APart BPart CTotal
Total Questions205070145
Max. number of questions to attempt15352575
Per Question Marks224200

CSIR NET Life Science Syllabus 2025 - Click to Check

CSIR NET Exam Pattern for Mathematical Science

Candidates who opted the Mathematical science must know the exam pattern and syllabus for the CSIR NET exam which consists of the following topics Analysis, Linear Algebra, Complex Analysis, Calculus of Variations, Linear Integral Equations, Classical Mechanics, Algebra, Numerical Analysis, Topology, Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs), etc.

  • A total of 120 questions will be asked
  • Part A gives 2 marks for each question, Part B gives 3 marks for each question, and Part C gives 4.75 marks for each question.
  • 25% marks will be deducted in Part A and B and no negative marking in Part C.
  • 3 hours will be given to complete the paper
ParticularsPart APart BPart CTotal
Total Questions204060120
Max. number of questions to attempt15252060
Per Question Marks234.75200

CISR NET Exam Pattern for Physical Science

The exam pattern and marking scheme of the CSIR Physical Sciences paper help candidates to know the overview of the exam structure. This subject includes the core topics like Classical Mechanics, Electromagnetic Theory, Quantum Theory, Condensed Matter Physics, Nuclear and Particle Physics, and Atomic and Molecular Physics etc. To know important points on the exam pattern, the table below is provided.

  • A total of 75 questions will be asked
  • Part A gives 2 marks for each question, Part B gives 3.5 marks for each question, and Part C gives 5 marks for each question.
  • 25% marks will be deducted in Part A, B and C
  • 3 hours will be given to complete the paper
ParticularsPart APart BPart CTotal
Total Questions20253075
Max. number of questions to attempt15202055
Per Question marks23.55200

CSIR NET Syllabus 2025- Click to check


Ans. According to the CSIR NET Exam Pattern 2025, there are 5 subjects, Chemical Sciences, Earth Sciences, Life Sciences, Mathematical Sciences, and Physical Sciences

Ans. For all subjects, there is a specific marking scheme which you can check above in the article.

Ans. There is only one paper, which includes 3 parts, Part A is common to all subjects and rest are subject specific.