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MAH MCA CET 2023 Registration Starts, Exam Date, Eligibility

MAH MCA CET 2023 Exam: MCA Common Entrance Test (MAH MCA CET) is a state-level entrance test that is conducted by the Maharashtra State Common Entrance Test Cell (CET CELL) every year for the applicants to be admitted into the MCA course in various Government and Private institutes of Maharashtra. It is regulated by the Directorate of Technical Education, Maharashtra. The applicants successfully qualifying for the exam are then offered admission into the first or second-year (Lateral Entry) full-time PG degree course in computer application (MCA). Follow this article to know all the information regarding the MAH MCA CET 2023 examination such as Exam dates, eligibility criteria, the application process etc.

MAH MCA CET 2023 Notification

The Maharashtra CET CELL has released the official notification regarding the MAH MCA CET 2023 exam. The MAH MCA CET 2023 Information Brochure was released along with the application forms on 27th February 2023. All the important tips and instructions to be followed such as application form filling, eligibility criteria or the choice of exam centres have been discussed in the MAH MCA CET 2023 Exam Notification PDF. Candidates must refer to the official Official Exam Notification to know all the details regarding the same.

MAH MCA CET 2023 Information Brochure- Click here to download

MAH MCA CET 2023 Exam Summary

The MAH MCA CET 2023 exam will be conducted online and will entertain multiple-choice questions only. The candidates must keep visiting the official website at www.cetcell.mahacet.org to get all the latest updates and information regarding the exam.

MAH MCA CET 2023 Exam Summary
Exam MAH MCA CET 2023
Full Form Maharashtra MCA Common Entrance Test
Conducting Body State Common Entrance Test Cell – Maharashtra State
Frequency of Exam Once a year
Exam Level State Level Exam Entrance Exam
Languages English
Mode of Application Online
Mode of Exam Online
Mode of Counselling Online / Offline
Participating Colleges 49
Official Website www.cetcell.mahacet.org
Registration Website www.mcacet2023.mahacet.org

MAH MCA CET 2023 Important Dates

The MAH MCA 2023 Exam Registration began on 27th February 2023. The official authorities have also announced the exam conduct dates for the same. All the other important MAH MCA 2023 Event Dates will be updated in the table below as soon as they are announced. Candidates are recommended to save this article to keep pace with all the upcoming events.

MAH MCA CET 2023 Important Dates
Events Dates
MAH MCA CET 2023 Registration starts 27th February 2023
MAH MCA CET 2023 Registration ends 9th March 2023
MAH MCA CET 2023 Admit card March 2023
MAH MCA CET 2023 Exam 25th & 26th March 2023
MAH MCA CET 2023 Result March/ April 2023
MAH MCA CET 2023 Counselling May 2023

MAH MCA CET 2023 Registration Link

The MAH CET CELL has started accepting application forms for the MAH MCA CET 2023 Exam. The Registration process started on 27th February 2023 for the candidates willing to pursue MCA courses from the recognized institutes of Maharashtra. Candidates must refer to the instructions before filling out the MAH MCA CET 2023 Application forms to avoid any kind of confusion or mistakes. The MAH MCA CET 2023 Registration Process will be facilitated online at mcacet2023.mahacet.org. The Registration link for the exam has been linked below.

MAH MCA CET 2023 Registration Link- Click Here

MAH MCA CET 2023 Application Fee

Candidates are required to pay a certain amount to complete their MAH MCA CET 2023 Application Process. The application fee is different for tandidates belonging to different categories. The MAH MCA CET 2023 Application Fee has to be paid online via Credit Card/Debit Card/Net banking/UPI. Applicants must note that the Maharashtra CET 2023 Application fee is non-refundable under any circumstance. Refer to the table below to know the amount to be paid by the different categories.

MAH MCA CET 2023 Application Fee
Category Application Fee
General Category Candidates from Maharashtra State, Outside
Maharashtra State (OMS), J & K Migrant candidates
Rs. 1000
Reserved Category Candidates of Backward Class Categories
EWS] and & Persons with
Disability Candidates belonging to Maharashtra State only.
Rs. 800

Steps to fill the MAH MCA CET 2023 Application Form

The MAH MCA CET 2023 Application form filling will be facilitated at www.mcacet2023.mahacet.org. Candidates will be required to register themselves with valid e-mail ids and phone numbers before proceeding to fill out the application form. Any discrepancy found in the application form details may lead to candidature rejection. Follow the given steps below to fill out the MAH CET 2023 Application Form.

  1. Visit the official website at www.mcacet2023.mahacet.org.
  2. Select and click on ‘New Registration’.
  3. Enter the basic details like name, contact details and candidate email ID.
  4. Candidates will receive an email with the account information after registering with a valid email-id.
  5. One should follow the instructions given in the email for resetting the password and further login.
  6. Fill in the domicile and category certificate details carefully.
  7. Enter qualification details, and academic details and asked.
  8. Choose exam centre preferences and submit them.
  9. Upload scanned documents i.e. photograph and signature in the specified format.
  10. Upload other required documents for proof of identity.
  11. Now preview and validate the information given on the application form.
  12. Pay the application fee online mode using a  debit card/ credit card or net banking.
  13. Take a printout of the filled-in application form for future reference.

MAH MCA CET 2023 Eligibility Criteria

The applicants willing to apply for MAH MCA CET 2023 exam must check the eligibility criteria prescribed by the CET CELL before filling out the forms. Only eligible candidates will be allowed to participate in the exam. The Eligibility criteria as per the CET CELL have been discussed below-

MAH MCA CET 2023 Eligibility Criteria
Particulars Details
Nationality The candidate should be an Indian Citizen .
Educational Qualification Candidate must have three years of Bachelor’s Degree approved from the Recognized University and must be approved by UGC or the Association of Indian University (AIU).
Marks Candidate must have 50% marks for general and 45% marks for the reserved candidates.
Subjects required Mathematics will be the compulsory subject in the qualifying examination.
Appearing  Those who are appearing in the final year of their qualifying examination can apply for the exam.

MAH MCA CET 2023 Exam Pattern

The authorities are responsible for releasing the MAH MCA CET 2023 exam pattern. Candidates must refer to the official exam pattern for better preparations of the examination. It provides crucial details about the exam mode, full marks, no. of questions etc. in which the entrance exam will be conducted. Refer to the Maharashtra MCA CET 2023 Exam Pattern tabulated below.

  1. 2 marks will be rewarded for every correct answer
  2. There is no negative marking for incorrect or unanswered questions.
MAH MCA CET 2023 Exam Pattern
Topic No. of Questions Marks
Mathematics 30 60
Logical/ abstract reasoning 30 60
English comprehension and verbal ability 20 40
Computer Concept 20 40
Total 100 200

MAH MCA CET 2023 Syllabus

100 questions all together would be asked in the MAH MCA CET 2023 Exam  which will be based on different sections such as mathematics, logical reasoning, English and Computer Concepts. There will be no negative marking in the exam which proves to be a sigh of relief for the appearing students. The detailed syllabus of the sections to be asked in the exam has been clipped below-

MAH MCA CET 2023 Syllabus
Mathematics & Statistics
  1. Algebra
  2. Coordinate Geometry
  3. Differential Equations
  4. Trigonometry
  5. Probability and Statistics
  6. Arithmetics
  7. Basic Set Theory and Functions
  8. Mensuration
Logical/Abstract Reasoning
  1. Seating Arrangements
  2. Puzzles
  3. Blood Relations
  4. Sets based on Grouping and Pattern
  5. Mapping and Best Routes
  6. Data Sufficiency etc.
English Comprehension and Verbal Ability
  1. Basic English Grammar
  2. Vocabulary
  3. Comprehension
  4. Summary writing
  5. Synonyms and Antonyms
  6. Ordering of Sentences
  7. Para jumbles etc.
Computer Concepts
  1. Computer Basics
  2. Data Representation
  3. Binary Arithmetic
  4. Computer Architecture
  5. Computer Language
  6. Operating System basics

MAH MCA CET 2023 Admit Card

The MAH MCA CET  2023 admit card will be released in online mode by the Maharashtra State CET Cell. Applicants will be required to login using their registration credentials such as registration number or roll number along with the password or candidate’s date of birth to download their MAH MCA CET 2023 Admit Card. Candidates will also be required to paste their passport size photograph on the MAH MCA CET admit card, the one that was uploaded at the time of online registration for the entrance exam. The details which will be mentioned on the admit card are:

  • Candidate’s name
  • Roll number
  • Name and address of the examination centre
  • Time of entrance exam

MAH MCA CET 2023 Answer Key

The MAH MCA CET 2023 Answer Key will be released on the official website by the exam conducting authorities. The Maharashtra MCA CET 2023 answer key will be made available to the candidates for analysis after a few days from the completion of the examination. The answer keys will be released in the PDF format. The answer key will consist of correct answers to every question that was asked in the entrance examination.

MAH MCA CET 2023 Result

The Maharashtra CET CELL will be announcing the MAH MCA CET 2023 result in online mode on their official website. The results will be provided in the pdf format on the official website and candidates will be able to  find their calculated scores along with the percentile obtained. Candidates will have to log in to the official website to obtain their MAH MCA CET 2023 Results.


Ans. The MAH MCA CET 2023 Registrations have started on 27th February 2023.

Test prime


Ans. The MAH MCA CET 2023 Registrations have started on 27th February 2023.

About the Author

As Associate Manager- Content Writer, I take on leadership within our content creation team, overseeing the development of error-free educational content. My primary responsibility is to produce and analyse high-quality content educating and informing the aspirants about upcoming government exams published on our website. I have more than 6 years experience in content writing wherein 4.5 years of experience in ed-tech content writing.