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LIC AAO Prelims Exam Analysis 17 February 2023, Shift 2 Review

LIC AAO Shift 2 Exam Analysis 2023, 17 February

LIC AAO Shift 2 Exam Analysis 2023, 17 February: The first day of Shift-2 of the LIC AAO Prelims exam is over and students must be eagerly looking forward to LIC AAO Prelims Shift-2 Exam Analysis 2023. The Life Insurance Corporation of India has scheduled LIC AAO Prelims Exam 2023 for 17th & 19th February 2023 in four shifts each day. Here we have come up with the 1st Day 2nd Shift LIC AAO Exam Analysis 2023 for you with overall good attempts, and detailed section-wise analysis. This will surely be a helping hand for the candidates who have their exams in the upcoming shifts of the LIC Assistant Administrative Officer (AAO) Exam 2023.

LIC AAO Shift 2 Prelims Exam Analysis 2023

The section-wise & overall good attempts for LIC AAO Shift-2 Exam as per our LIC AAO Shift 2 Exam Analysis 2023 has been discussed here. As per the faculty review who conducted LIC AAO Exam Analysis, the overall LIC AAO Prelims Exam was Easy with around 75-81 overall good attempts.

LIC AAO Prelims Exam Analysis 2023 Good Attempts
Sections Good Attempts Difficulty Level
Reasoning Ability 28-30 Easy
Quantitative Aptitude 24-26 Easy to Moderate
English Language 23-25 Easy
Overall 75-81 Easy

LIC AAO Exam Analysis 2023- 17 February Shift 1

LIC AAO Expected Cut Off 2023- Click to Check

LIC AAO Exam Analysis 2023 17 Feb Shift 2

Candidates can check the exam review of each section asked in today’s LIC AAO Prelims Exam. There were three sections asked in LIC AAO Prelims Exam namely English, Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude. Keep reading the article to know each section of LIC AAO Prelims Exam Analysis for Shift-2 separately in detail from the below section.

LIC AAO Exam Analysis Shift 2- Reasoning Ability

As per candidates’ reviews, the level of Reasoning Ability section was Easy. There were 18 to 19 puzzles & seating arrangement questions, 5 inequality questions asked in LIC AAO Shift 2 Exam.

Puzzles & Seating Arrangements questions asked in LIC AAO Shift 2 Prelims Exam on 17th February 2023-

  1. Month based puzzle (8 months + 8 persons)- 5 questions
  2. Uncertain Seating Arrangement (North facing, N-24)- 3 to 4 questions
  3. Box-based puzzle (8 persons + Name)- 5 questions
  4. Floor+ Flat Puzzle- 5 questions
LIC AAO Shift 2 Exam Analysis 2023- Reasoning Ability
Topics No. of Questions
Puzzles & Seating Arrangements 18-19
Inequality 05
Pair Formation 01
Meaning Word 01
Word Based 01
Direction-Distance 04-05
Series 01

LIC AAO Exam Analysis Shift 2- Quantitative Aptitude

In this shift, there were 5 questions asked from Missing Number Series and 5 questions from Quadratic Equation. There was no question from Simplification and Approximation asked in Shift 2. There were 3 DI asked in LIC AAO Shift 2 Prelims Exam 2023, which are as follows-

  1. Tabular DI- 5 questions
  2. Double Bar DI- 5 questions
  3. Caselet DI (Venn) (Cricket/Football/Tennis)- 5 questions
LIC AAO Shift 2 Exam Analysis 2023- Quantitative Aptitude
Topics No. of Questions
Missing Number Series 05
Quadratic Equation 05
DI (Double Bar) 05
DI (Table) 05
Caselet DI 05
Arithmetic 10
Total 35

LIC AAO Exam Analysis Shift 2- English Language

There were 8 questions asked from the Reasoning Comprehension section and the topic was based on the Economy. 2 vocabs (Synonyms/Antonyms) questions asked. There were questions from Cloze test, error detection, sentence rearrangement, word swap, and fillers asked in LIC AAO Shift 2 Exam 2023.

LIC AAO Shift 2 Exam Analysis 2023- English Language
Topics No. of Questions
Reading Comprehension 08
Cloze Test 08
Sentence Rearrangement 02
Error Detection 03
Word Swap 04-05
Fillers (Single) 03-04
Total 30

LIC AAO Shift 2 Exam Analysis 2023- Video Analysis

Connect with our experts through this live analysis conducted on our youtube channel. The teachers have directly connected with the students to provide them with a complete analysis for Shift- 2 of LIC AAO Prelims Exam 2023 and know what was the level of examination and which questions were asked in the exam.

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LIC AAO Prelims Exam Pattern 2023

  1. LIC AAO Prelims Exam is qualifying in nature and marks scored will not be included in the merit list.
  2. English Language test is qualifying and the marks in the English Language will not be counted for ranking.
  3. The exam duration is 1 hour (60 minutes) and there is a sectional timing of 20 minutes for each section.
  4. There are 100 MCQs asked, each question carries 1 mark and there is no negative marking in the prelims exam.
LIC AAO Prelims Exam Pattern 2023
Sections No. of Questions Marks Duration
Reasoning 35 35 20 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude 35 35 20 minutes
English Language 30 30** 20 minutes
Total 100 70 60 minutes

LIC AAO Shift 2 Exam Analysis 2023- FAQs

Ans. Yes, there were questions asked from Cloze Test, Caselet DI, Missing Number Series, Quadratic Equation, and Inequality in LIC AAO Shift 2.

Test prime


Ans. Yes, there were questions asked from Cloze Test, Caselet DI, Missing Number Series, Quadratic Equation, and Inequality in LIC AAO Shift 2.

About the Author

As Associate Manager- Content Writer, I take on leadership within our content creation team, overseeing the development of error-free educational content. My primary responsibility is to produce and analyse high-quality content educating and informing the aspirants about upcoming government exams published on our website. I have more than 6 years experience in content writing wherein 4.5 years of experience in ed-tech content writing.