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Important Days in February 2025, Complete List

February is the second month of the year according to Julian and Gregorian calendars. This month has 28 days and 28 days is a non-leap year. February is the only month that has less than 30 days and it is one of the first months of the year that does not have 31 days. According to meteorology, February is the last month of winter in the northern hemisphere and the last month of summer in the southern hemisphere.

Important Days and Dates are the important topics of the competitive exams, namely, RRB NTPC, Group D, SSC CGL, CHSL, PSC, State Exams, and Others. Therefore, knowing it becomes very necessary to score good marks. So in this article, we have covered the important February special days. 

List of Special days and Dates in February 2025

Here is the list of special days and dates 2025 listed below. Indian Coast Guard Day, World Cancer Day, Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday, World Radio Day, and International Mother Language Day are some of the special days in February 2025. The complete February special days list from 1 to 29 has been shared below. 

Special Days in February 2025
Dates Days
1 February Indian Coast Guard Day
2 February World Wetlands Day
2 to 8 February International Development Week
4 February World Cancer Day
5 February Delhi Legislative Assembly election
6 February International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation
11 February Safer Internet Day
11 February  International Day of Women and Girls in Science
12 February  Darwin Day
12 February  National Productivity Day
13 February  World Radio Day
13 February Sarojini Naidu’s Birth Anniversary
14 February  Saint Valentine’s Day
18 February to 2 March Taj Mahotsav
20 February  World Day of Social Justice
21 February  International Mother Language Day
22 February  World Thinking Day
24 February  Central Excise Day
27 February  World NGO Day
28 February  National Science Day
28 February Rare Disease Day

Special Days in February 2025

February special days list from 1 to 28 is discussed here:

Indian Coast Guard Day- 1 February

Every year, 1st February is observed as Indian Coast Guard Day. ICG was established by the Coast Guard Act, 1978, on 1st February 1977. This day is celebrated to highlight the great achievements of the Coast Guard.

World Wetlands Day- 2 February

Annually, 2nd February is celebrated as World Wetland Day to raise awareness internationally about the essential role of wetlands for people and our planet. This occasion marks the date when the Convention on Wetlands was adopted in Ramsar, an Iranian city that is located on the Caspian sea shore.

World Cancer Day- 4 February

Annually, World Cancer Day is celebrated on 4 February. The primary objective of this day is to reduce the number of cancer patients and reduce the death rate causing due to it.

International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation- 6 February

International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation is celebrated on 6 February every year. Female genital mutilation (FGM) involves all procedures that require altering or injuring the female genitalia for non-medical reasons and is acknowledged internationally as a violation of the human rights of girls and women.

Safer Internet Day- 11 February

From cyberbullying to social networking to digital identity, annually, Safer Internet Day aims to achieve awareness of emerging online issues and current concerns.

International Day of Women and Girls in Science- 11 February

In order to achieve development goals, Science and gender equality plays vital for the achievement. For the past few decades, the global community has made a lot of effort in inspiring and engaging women and girls in science. Then also women and girls continue to be excluded from participating fully in science. The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) has declared 11th February as the International Day of Women and Girls in Science in the year 2015.

National Productivity Day- 12 February

Every year on 12th February, National Productivity Day is celebrated to promote India’s productivity culture. From 12th February through 18th February, the National Productivity Council celebrates National Productivity Week.

World Radio Day- 13 February

Internationally, this day commemorates radio transmission, increases international collaboration among radio broadcasters and encourages decision-makers to develop and distribute knowledge via radio. This day was declared by UNESCO. 

Saint Valentine’s Day- 14 February

It originated as a Western Christian liturgical feast day to honor an early saint named Valentinus. Also, this day is recognized as a significant cultural and commercial celebration in many regions around the world, although it is not a public holiday in any country.

World Day of Social Justice- 20 February

This day was designated by the United Nations on 26th November, 2007. From then on, every year, 20th February is celebrated as World Day of Social Justice. They came to an agreement to issue a statement called the Declaration of Copenhagen and Programme of Action for Global Development.

International Mother Language Day- 21 February

Every year on 21st February, International Mother Language Day is celebrated across the world to honor language variety and diversity. It also remembers the students killed during a protest in Bangladesh that occurred on February 21, 1952.

World Thinking Day- 22 February

This day is celebrated to honor the joint birthday of the founders of the Scouting initiative, Lord Baden-Powell and his wife Olave. It was decided in the conference that there needed to be a special day for girl guides and girl scouts around the world.So February 22 was chosen as “Thinking Day.”

Central Excise Day- 24 February

The central excise day is observed to raise awareness about the contribution of the major excise officers among the general public of the country. The job of the members of the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs is to prevent corruption in the manufacturing industries, which is worth appreciation and encouragement.

World NGO Day- 27 February

World NGO Day is an international day committed to recognizing, celebrating, and honoring all non-governmental and nonprofit organizations and the people behind them that contribute to society all year around.

Rare Disease Day- 28 February

Rare Disease Day is celebrated every year on the last day of February to raise awareness about diseases that most people will not know of, as well as to improve access to treatment.

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Important Days in February 2025-FAQs

Ans. World Cancer Day is celebrated on 4 February every year to raise awareness about the disease cancer, and its symptoms.

About the Author

As Associate Manager- Content Writer, I take on leadership within our content creation team, overseeing the development of error-free educational content. My primary responsibility is to produce and analyse high-quality content educating and informing the aspirants about upcoming government exams published on our website. I have more than 6 years experience in content writing wherein 4.5 years of experience in ed-tech content writing.