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Chandigarh Police ASI Admit Card 2023 Out, Direct Download Link

Chandigarh Police ASI Admit Card 2023 Out: The Chandigarh Police released the Chandigarh Police ASI Admit Card on its official website at www.chandigarhpolice.gov.in. The Chandigarh Police ASI Examination 2023 is to be conducted on 27th August 2023 appearing candidates can now download their Chandigarh Police ASI Admit Card from the official website of Chandigarh Police. In the below section, we have provided the Chandigarh Police ASI Admit Card download link.

Chandigarh Police ASI Admit Card 2023 Out

The Chandigarh Police ASI 2023 Exam is scheduled to be commenced on 27th August 2023 for a total of 44 vacancies for the post of Assistant Sub Inspector (ASI). Candidates must carry Chandigarh Police ASI Admit Card 2023 along with the original photo identity proof to the examination center. Candidates must check their admit card thoroughly, in case of any problem regarding the downloading of the Chandigarh Police Admit Card the candidate may send an email at the address cpasirectt2023@gmail.com. 

Chandigarh Police Admit Card 2023

The Chandigarh ASI post is a single-stage exam comprising 2 Tiers- Tier 1 and Tier 2. Aspirants will be given two hours to solve both papers, of which Tier 1 is an OMR Sheet-based Test and Tier 2 is Descriptive. Both the paper weighs 100 marks in all, and in tier 1, 0.25 negative marking will be given for the wrong answer. Let’s check out the important details related to the Chandigarh Police Admit Card 2023 : 

Chandigarh Police ASI Admit Card 2023
Organization Chandigarh Police
Post Name Assistant Sub Inspector
Vacancy 44
Category Admit Card
Staus Released
Chandigarh Police ASI Admit Card 2023  15th August 2023
Chandigarh Police ASI Exam Date 2023  27th August 2023
Selection Process
  • Tier-1 Written Exam (Objective)
  • Tier-2 Written Test (Subjective)
  • Physical Efficiency and Measurement Test (PET & PMT)
  • Document Verification
  • Medical Examination
Job Location Chandigarh
Official Website www.chandigarhpolice.gov.in

Chandigarh Police ASI Admit Card 2023 Download Link

The Admit Card is an important document required by the candidates for the examination. Without the hard copy of the Admit Card, no candidate will be allowed to enter the examination hall. The Chandigarh Police Admit Card 2023 has been released on 15th August 2023, for the registered candidates. For the candidates convince we have provided the direct link to download Chandigarh Police ASI Admit Card 2023 here.


Steps to Download Chandigarh Police ASI Admit Card 2023 

The registered candidates can follow the following steps to download the Chandigarh Police ASI Admit Card from the official website of Chandigarh Police. 

Step 1: Visit the Official Website of the Chandigarh Police at www.chandigarhpolice.gov.in.

Step 2:  On the homepage, click on the “Recruitment” section.

Step 3: Then, Click on the link “ Chandigarh Police ASI Admit Card 2023”.

Step 4: You will be redirected to the new login portal where you have to enter your User ID and Password.

Step 5: After entering the login details, click on the “Submit” button.

Step 6: The Chandigarh Police Admit Card 2023 will be displayed on the screen.

Step 7: Carefully review all the information mentioned on the admit card.

Step 8: Download and save the Chandigarh Police ASI Admit Card 2023 and take a printout of the admit card.

Details Mentioned on Chandigarh Police ASI Admit Card 2023

After downloading the admit card, candidates must go through all the details mentioned in their admit card. In case of any discrepancy, report to the examination authority or helpline number given on the website as soon as possible. The details mentioned on the Chandigarh Police ASI Admit Card 2023 are mentioned below : 

  1. Name of the Candidate- The full name of the candidate mentioned in the application form while applying for the Chandigarh Police ASI Exam. The unique ID to be presented during the exam hall must have the same name written on it as on the candidate’s Chandigarh Police ASI Admit Card 2023.
  2. Photograph– Passport-size photograph which was uploaded during the registration.
  3. Roll Number/Registration Number- Unique Roll Number/ Registration Number provided to the applicants is to be present on the candidate’s hall ticket which is mandatory to be carried to the exam hall.
  4. Signature of the candidate- Candidates’ Signature uploaded during registration.
  5. Date of Examination- The Exam Date (27th August 2023) on which Chandigarh Police ASI Exam 2023 is to be held
  6. Exam Timing- The shift timing on which candidates’ exam has been scheduled will be mentioned on the hall ticket.
  7. Reporting Time- The time to reach the exam venue is also given on the candidate’s Chandigarh Police ASI Admit Card 2023.
  8. Venue of Examination- The exam venue and the complete address is mentioned on the hall ticket.
  9. Centre Code- A unique centre code of the Chandigarh Police ASI examination center that the candidate has to reach.

Documents carry along with Chandigarh Police ASI Admit Card 2023

The below documents are mandatory along with the Chandigarh Police ASI Admit Card 2023 to enter the exam hall, without these, the candidate will not be allowed to appear for the Chandigarh Police ASI Examination 2023.

  1. Admit Card: Candidates must carry Chandigarh Police ASI Admit Card 2023 to the examination venue to appear for the examination. Without it, candidates will not be permitted to appear for the examination.
  2. Original Photo Identity Proof: It is necessary for the candidates to carry a government-issued original Photo Identity Proof like PAN Card/ Passport/ Aadhaar Card/ Driving Licence/ Voter id etc to the examination hall along with the
  3. 2 Passport-size photographs: Candidates must keep 2 passport-size photographs to carry to the examination hall.

Chandigarh Police ASI Exam Pattern

  • The Chandigarh police ASI exam consists of 2 tiers for 02 hours exam duration.
  • Tier 1 consists of OMR Sheet based questions for 50 multiple-choice questions for 50 marks.
  • In tier 1 01 marks will be rewarded for each right answer and there will be a negative marking, 0.25 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.
  • Tier 2 consists of descriptive-type questions for 50 marks.
  • The language of Tier 1 and Tier 2 exams will be Hindi, English, and Punjabi.
Chandigarh Police ASI Exam Pattern 2023
Tier Paper  Topic Maximum Marks
I Objective General Knowledge Current Affairs 50
Computer Knowledge
Reasoning, IQ
II Description Language Essay (Punjabi, English, Hindi) 30
Language Skills (English) 20


Test prime

Chandigarh Police ASI Admit Card 2023- FAQs

Ans. Yes, Chandigarh Police ASI Admit Card 2023 has been released on the official website www.chandigarhpolice.gov.in.