Tabel of content

2 Table

The basic foundation of a student begins from their 2nd & 3rd standard and building interest in Maths subject at this age is very important. This could be achieved by helping them to learn tables in an easy way. The first and foremost table that student begins to learn at their school is 2 table, which might be complicated for kids but once learned they will feel confident. Memorise Table of 2 in an easy way and strengthen up the basics of Mathematical Education. 

Table of 2

Multiplying Table of 2

2 table is nothing just adding 2 numbers to every multiple but for kids of age group 5 it may be slightly new, so make them recite the table as a poem so that they enjoy learning the table of 2.

2 Table
2 x 1 = 2
2 x 2=
2 x 3=
2 x 4=
2 x 5=10 
2 x 6=12
2 x 7=14 
2 x 8= 16
2 x 9= 18
2 x 10= 20

Multiplication Tables 2 to 20

Click on the below links and Learn Tables 2 to 20

2 Table3 Table4 Table5 Table
6 Table7 Table8 Table9 Table
10 Table11 Table12 Table13 Table
14 Table15 Table16 Table17 Table
18 Table19 Table20 Table 
Table of 2: FAQs

Per day chocolate bought is 2, then in 4 days, 2 x 4= 8.

Make them read the chart daily twice, it will help them to learn Table of 2.